Corporation 48720 Kato Road, Fremont CA, 94538
(510) 668-7000
FAX (510) 668-7017
REV. P1.0.0
The XRT94L43 is a highly integrated SONET/SDH
terminator designed for E3/DS3/STS-1 mapping/de-
mapping functions from either the STS-12 or STM-4
data stream. The XRT94L43 interfaces to either STS-
12 or STM-4 signals using a byte wide parallel inter-
face in Telecom Bus format or via serial line interface
that operates at 622.08 MHz.
The XRT94L43 processes the section,line and path
overhead in the SONET/SDH data stream. The pro-
cessing of path overhead bytes within the STS-1s or
TUG-3s includes 64 bytes for storing the J1 bytes.
Path overhead bytes can be accessed through the
microprocessor interface or via serial interface.
The XRT94L43 uses the internal E3/DS3 De-Syn-
chronizer circuit with an internal pointer leak algo-
rithm for clock smoothing as well as to remove the jit-
ter due to mapping and pointer movements. These
De-Synchronizer circuits do not need any external
clock reference for its operation.
The SONET/SDH transmit blocks allow flexible inser-
tion of TOH and POH bytes through both Hardware
and Software. Individual POH bytes for the transmit-
ted SONET/SDH signal are mapped either from the
XRT94L43 memory map or from external interface.
A1,A2 framing pattern, C1 byte and H1,H2 pointer
byte are generated.
The SONET/SDH receive blocks receive SONET
STS-3 signal or SDH STM-1 signal and perform the
necessary transport and path overhead processing.
The XRT94L43 provides a line side APS (Automatic
Protection Switching) interface by offering redundant
receive serial interface to be switched at the frame
The XRT94L43 provides 12 mappers for performing
STS-1/VC-3 to STS-1/DS3/E3 mapping function, one
for each STS-1/DS3/E3 framers.
A PRBS test pattern generation and detection is im-
plemented to measure the bit-error performance.
A general purpose microprocessor interface is includ-
ed for control, configuration and monitoring.
Provides DS3/ E3 mapping/de-mapping for up to 12
tributaries through SONET STS-1 or SDH AU-3
and/or TUG-3/AU-4 containers.
Generates and terminates SONET/SDH sec-
tion,line and path layers.
Integrated SERDES with Clock Recovery Circuit.
Provides SONET frame scrambling and descram-
Integrated Clock Synthesizer that generates 622.08
MHz and 77.76 MHz clock from an external 12.96/
19.44/77.76 MHz reference clock.
Provides STS-1 (EC1) mapping/de-mapping for up
to 12 STS-1s.
Integrated 12 E3/DS3/STS-1 De-Synchronizer cir-
cuit that de-jitter gapped clock to meet 0.05UIpp jit-
ter requirements.
Access to Line or Section DCC
Level 2 Performance Monitoring for E3 and DS3.
Supports mixing of STS-1E and DS3 or E3 and
DS3 tributaries.
Performs STS-3/STM-1 to STS-12/STM-4 Map-
E3 and DS3 framers for both Transmit and Receive
Complete Transport/Section Overhead Processing
and generation per Telcordia and ITU standards.
Complete Path Overhead processing and genera-
tion for one STS-12 or for 12 STS-1s
Full line APS support for redundancy applications.
Loopback support for both SONET/SDH as well as
Boundary scan capability with JTAG IEEE 1149.1
8-bit microprocessor interface
Power Supply 2.5 V for Core and 3.3 V for I/O
-40°C to +85°C Operating Temperature Range
Available in a 516 Ball PBGA package
Network switches
Add/Drop Multiplexer
W-DCS Digital Cross Connect Systems