Data Sheet
Zarlink Semiconductor Inc.
Similarly, the User Defined Logical Port provides the user programmability to the priority, plus the flexibility to select
specific logical ports to fit the applications. The 8 User Logical Ports can be programmed via User_Port 0-7
registers. Two registers are required to be programmed for the logical port number. The respective priority can be
programmed to the User_Port [7:0] priority register. The port priority can be individually enabled/disabled via
User_Port_Enable register.
The User Defined Range provides a range of logical port numbers with the same priority level. Programming is
similar to the User Defined Logical Port. Instead of programming a fixed port number, an upper and lower limit need
to be programmed, they are: {RHIGHH, RHIGHL} and {RLOWH, RLOWL} respectively. If the value in the upper limit
is smaller or equal to the lower limit, the function is disabled. Any IP packet with a logical port that is less than the
upper limit and more than the lower limit will use the priority specified in RPRIORITY.
WELL_KNOWN_PORT[1:0]_PRIORITY- Well Known Logic Port 1 and 0 Priority
IC Address: h0A8; CPU Address: h0560
Accessed by CPU and IC (R/W)
WELL_KNOWN_PORT[3:2]_PRIORITY- Well Known Logic Port 3 and 2 Priority
IC Address: h0A9; CPU Address: h0561
Accessed by CPU and IC (R/W)
WELL_KNOWN_PORT[5:4]_PRIORITY- Well Known Logic Port 5 and 4 Priority
IC Address h0AA, CPU Address 562
Accessed by CPU and IC (R/W)
Bits [3:0]:
Priority setting, transmission + dropping, for Well known port 0 (23 for telnet)
0 – Drop Precedence Level 0 (Lowest) (Default)
1 – Drop Precedence Level 1 (Highest)
Bits[3:1] Transmit Priority Level 0 (Lowest)
Transmit Priority Level 1
Transmit Priority Level 6
Transmit Priority Level 7 (Highest)
Bits [7:4]:
Priority setting, transmission + dropping, for Well known port 1 (512 for
Bits [3:0]:
Priority setting, transmission + dropping, for Well known port 2 (6000 for
Bits [7:4]:
Priority setting, transmission + dropping, for Well known port 3 (443 for HTTP
Bits [3:0]:
Priority setting, transmission + dropping, for Well known port 4 (111 for sun
remote procedure call)