RabbitCore RCM2000
5.1.1 Using Dynamic C
You have a choice of doing your software development in the flash memory or in the
SRAM included on the RCM2000. The flash memory and SRAM options are selected
with the Options > Project Options > Compiler menu.
The advantage of working in RAM is to save wear on the flash memory, which is limited
to about 100,000 write cycles. The disadvantage is that the code and data might not both
fit in RAM.
NOTE: An application can be developed in RAM, but cannot run standalone from RAM
after the programming cable is disconnected. All standalone applications can only run
from flash memory.
NOTE: Do not depend on the flash memory sector size or type. Due to the volatility of
the flash memory market, the RCM2000 and Dynamic C were designed to accommo-
date flash devices with various sector sizes.
Developing software with Dynamic C is simple. Users can write, compile, and test C and
assembly code without leaving the Dynamic C development environment. Debugging
occurs while the application runs on the target. Alternatively, users can compile a program
to an image file for later loading. Dynamic C runs on PCs under Windows 95, 98, 2000,
NT, Me, and XP. Programs can be downloaded at baud rates of up to 460,800 bps after the
program compiles.
Dynamic C has a number of standard features.
Full-feature source and/or assembly-level debugger, no in-circuit emulator required.
Royalty-free TCP/IP stack with source code and most common protocols.
Hundreds of functions in source-code libraries and sample programs:
Exceptionally fast support for floating-point arithmetic and transcendental functions.
RS-232 and RS-485 serial communication.
Analog and digital I/O drivers.
2C, SPI, GPS, file system.
LCD display and keypad drivers.
Powerful language extensions for cooperative or preemptive multitasking.
Loader utility program to load binary images into Rabbit targets in the absence of
Dynamic C.
Provision for customers to create their own source code libraries and augment on-line
help by creating “function description” block comments using a special format for
library functions.