MC9S12DT256 Device User Guide — V03.03
2.3.26 PH2 / KWH2 / SCK1 — Port H I/O Pin 2
toexitSTOPorWAITmode.ItcanbeconfiguredasserialclockpinSCK oftheSerialPeripheralInterface
1 (SPI1).
2.3.27 PH1 / KWH1 / MOSI1 — Port H I/O Pin 1
to exit STOP or WAIT mode. It can be configured as master output (during master mode) or slave input
pin (during slave mode) MOSI of the Serial Peripheral Interface 1 (SPI1).
2.3.28 PH0 / KWH0 / MISO1 — Port H I/O Pin 0
to exit STOP or WAIT mode. It can be configured as master input (during master mode) or slave output
(during slave mode) pin MISO of the Serial Peripheral Interface 1 (SPI1).
2.3.29 PJ7 / KWJ7 / TXCAN4 / SCL — PORT J I/O Pin 7
PJ7is ageneralpurposeinputoroutputpin.ItcanbeconfiguredtogenerateaninterruptcausingtheMCU
to exit STOP or WAIT mode. It can be configured as the transmit pin TXCAN for the Motorola Scalable
Controller Area Network controller 4 (CAN4) or the serial clock pin SCL of the IIC module.
2.3.30 PJ6 / KWJ6 / RXCAN4 / SDA — PORT J I/O Pin 6
PJ6is ageneralpurposeinputoroutputpin.ItcanbeconfiguredtogenerateaninterruptcausingtheMCU
to exit STOP or WAIT mode. It can be configured as the receive pin RXCAN for the Motorola Scalable
Controller Area Network controller 4 (CAN4) or the serial data pin SDA of the IIC module.
2.3.31 PJ[1:0] / KWJ[1:0] — Port J I/O Pins [1:0]
PJ1 and PJ0 are general purpose input or output pins. They can be configured to generate an interrupt
causing the MCU to exit STOP or WAIT mode .
2.3.32 PK7 / ECS / ROMONE — Port K I/O Pin 7
PK7 is a general purpose input or output pin. During MCU expanded modes of operation, this pin is used
as the emulation chip select output (ECS). During MCU normal expanded wide and narrow modes of
operation, this pin is used to enable the Flash EEPROM memory in the memory map (ROMONE). At the
rising edge of RESET, the state of this pin is latched to the ROMON bit.