2.3.21 PE0 / XIRQ — Port E Input Pin 0
PE0 is a general purpose input pin and the non-maskable interrupt request input that provides a means of
applying asynchronous interrupt requests. This will wake up the MCU from STOP or WAIT mode.
2.3.22 PH7 / KWH7 / SS2 / TXD5 — Port H I/O Pin 7
to exit STOP or WAIT mode. It can be configured as slave select pin SS of the Serial Peripheral Interface
2 (SPI2). It can be configured as the transmit pin TXD of Serial Communication Interface 5 (SCI5).
2.3.23 PH6 / KWH6 / SCK2 / RXD5 — Port H I/O Pin 6
2 (SPI2). It can be configured as the receive pin RXD of Serial Communication Interface 5 (SCI5).
2.3.24 PH5 / KWH5 / MOSI2 / TXD4 — Port H I/O Pin 5
to exit STOP or WAIT mode. It can be configured as master output (during master mode) or slave input
pin (during slave mode) MOSI of the Serial Peripheral Interface 2 (SPI2). It can be configured as the
transmit pin TXD of Serial Communication Interface 4 (SCI4).
2.3.25 PH4 / KWH4 / MISO2 / RXD4 — Port H I/O Pin 2
to exit STOP or WAIT mode. It can be configured as master input (during master mode) or slave output
(during slave mode) pin MISO of the Serial Peripheral Interface 2 (SPI2). It can be configured as the
receive pin RXD of Serial Communication Interface 4 (SCI4).
2.3.26 PH3 / KWH3 / SS1 — Port H I/O Pin 3
to exit STOP or WAIT mode. It can be configured as slave select pin SS of the Serial Peripheral Interface
1 (SPI1).
2.3.27 PH2 / KWH2 / SCK1 — Port H I/O Pin 2
toexitSTOPorWAITmode.ItcanbeconfiguredasserialclockpinSCK oftheSerialPeripheralInterface
1 (SPI1).
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
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