Rev. E | Page 18 of 32
Relative Accuracy or Integral Nonlinearity (INL)
For the DAC, relative accuracy, or integral nonlinearity, is a
measure of the maximum deviation in LSBs from a straight line
passing through the endpoints of the DAC transfer function. A
typical INL vs. code plot can be seen in
Figure 6.
Differential Nonlinearity (DNL)
Differential nonlinearity is the difference between the measured
change and the ideal 1 LSB change between any two adjacent
codes. A specified differential nonlinearity of ±1 LSB maximum
ensures monotonicity. This DAC is guaranteed monotonic by
design. A typical DNL vs. code plot can be seen in
Figure 9.Monotonicity
A DAC is monotonic if the output either increases or remains
constant for increasing digital input code. The AD5724R/
AD5734R/AD5754R are monotonic over their full operating
temperature range.
Bipolar Zero Error
Bipolar zero error is the deviation of the analog output from the
ideal half-scale output of 0 V when the DAC register is loaded
with 0x8000 (straight binary coding) or 0x0000 (twos complement
coding). A plot of bipolar zero error vs. temperature can be seen
Bipolar Zero TC
Bipolar zero TC is a measure of the change in the bipolar
zero error with a change in temperature. It is expressed in
ppm FSR/°C.
Zero-Scale Error/Negative Full-Scale Error
Zero-scale error is the error in the DAC output voltage when
0x0000 (straight binary coding) or 0x8000 (twos complement
coding) is loaded to the DAC register. Ideally, the output voltage
should be negative full-scale 1 LSB. A plot of zero-scale error
Zero-Scale TC
Zero-scale TC is a measure of the change in zero-scale error with a
change in temperature. It is expressed in ppm FSR/°C.
Output Voltage Settling Time
Output voltage settling time is the amount of time it takes
for the output to settle to a specified level for a full-scale
input change. A plot of full-scale settling time can be seen
Slew Rate
The slew rate of a device is a limitation in the rate of change of
the output voltage. The output slewing speed of a voltage output
DAC is usually limited by the slew rate of the amplifier used at
its output. Slew rate is measured from 10% to 90% of the output
signal and is given in V/μs.
Gain Error
Gain error is a measure of the span error of the DAC. It is the
deviation in slope of the DAC transfer characteristic from ideal
expressed in % FSR. A plot of gain error vs. temperature can be
Gain TC
Gain TC is a measure of the change in gain error with changes
in temperature. It is expressed in ppm FSR/°C.
Total Unadjusted Error (TUE)
Total unadjusted error is a measure of the output error taking
all the various errors into account, namely INL error, offset
error, gain error, and output drift over supplies, temperature,
and time. TUE is expressed in % FSR.
Digital-to-Analog Glitch Impulse
Digital-to-analog glitch impulse is the impulse injected into the
analog output when the input code in the DAC register changes
state, but the output voltage remains constant. It is normally
specified as the area of the glitch in nV-sec and is measured
when the digital input code is changed by 1 LSB at the major
carry transition (0x7FFF to 0x8000). See
Figure 29.
Glitch Impulse Peak Amplitude
Glitch impulse peak amplitude is the peak amplitude of the
impulse injected into the analog output when the input code
in the DAC register changes state. It is specified as the amplitude
of the glitch in millivolts and is measured when the digital input
code is changed by 1 LSB at the major carry transition (0x7FFF
Digital Feedthrough
Digital feedthrough is a measure of the impulse injected into
the analog output of the DAC from the digital inputs of the
DAC but is measured when the DAC output is not updated.
It is specified in nV-sec and measured with a full-scale code
change on the data bus.
Power Supply Sensitivity
Power supply sensitivity indicates how the output of the DAC is
affected by changes in the power supply voltage. It is measured
by superimposing a 50 Hz/60 Hz, 200 mV p-p sine wave on the
supply voltages and measuring the proportion of the sine wave
that transfers to the outputs.