Voltage Reference Input
The AD7663 uses an external 2.5 V voltage reference.
The voltage reference input REF of the AD7663 has a dynamic
input impedance; it should therefore be driven by a low impedance
source with an efficient decoupling between REF and REFGND
inputs. This decoupling depends on the choice of the voltage
reference but usually consists of a 1 F ceramic capacitor and a
low ESR tantalum capacitor connected to the REF and REFGND
inputs with minimum parasitic inductance. 47 F is an appropriate
value for the tantalum capacitor when used with one of the
recommended reference voltages:
The low noise, low temperature drift ADR421 and AD780
voltage reference
The low power ADR291 voltage reference
The low cost AD1582 voltage reference
For applications using multiple AD7663s, it is more effective to
buffer the reference voltage with a low noise, very stable op amp
like the AD8031.
Care should also be taken with the reference temperature coefficient
of the voltage reference that directly affects the full-scale accu-
racy if this parameter matters. For instance, a ±15 ppm/°C
tempco of the reference changes the full scale by ±1 LSB/°C.
Note that VREF , as mentioned in the Specification tables, could be
increased to AVDD – 1.85 V. The benefit here is the increased
SNR obtained as a result of this increase. Since the input range is
defined in terms of VREF, this would essentially increase the ±REF
range from ±2.5 V to ±3 V and so on with an AVDD above
4.85 V. The theoretical improvement as a result of this increase
in reference is 1.58 dB (20 log [3/2.5]). Due to the theoretical
quantization noise, however, the observed improvement is approxi-
mately 1 dB. The AD780 can be selected with a 3 V reference
Scaler Reference Input (Bipolar Input Ranges)
When using the AD7663 with bipolar input ranges, the connection
diagram in Figure 5 shows a reference buffer amplifier. This
buffer amplifier is required to isolate the REF pin from the signal
dependent current in the INx pin. A high speed op amp, such as
the AD8031, can be used with a single 5 V power supply with-
out degrading the performance of the AD7663. The buffer must
have good settling characteristics and provide low total noise
within the input bandwidth of the AD7663.
Power Supply
The AD7663 uses three sets of power supply pins: an analog 5 V
supply AVDD, a digital 5 V core supply DVDD, and a digital
input/output interface supply OVDD. The OVDD supply allows
direct interface with any logic working between 2.7 V and DVDD
+ 0.3 V. To reduce the number of supplies needed, the digital
core (DVDD) can be supplied through a simple RC filter from the
analog supply as shown in Figure 5. The AD7663 is independent
of power supply sequencing, once OVDD does not exceed DVDD
by more than 0.3 V, and thus free from supply voltage induced
latch-up. Additionally, it is very insensitive to power supply
variations over a wide frequency range as shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9. PSRR vs. Frequency
The AD7663 automatically reduces its power consumption at
the end of each conversion phase. During the acquisition phase,
the operating currents are very low, which allows a significant
power savings when the conversion rate is reduced as shown in
Figure 10. This feature makes the AD7663 ideal for very low
power battery applications.
This does not take into account the power, if any, dissipated by
the input resistive scaler that depends on the input voltage range
used and the analog input voltage even in power-down mode.
There is no power dissipated when the 0 V to 2.5 V is used or
when both the analog input voltage is 0V and a unipolar range,
0V to 5 V or 0 V to 10 V, is used.
It should be noted that the digital interface remains active even
during the acquisition phase. To reduce the operating digital
supply currents even further, the digital inputs need to be driven
close to the power rails (i.e., DVDD and DGND) and OVDD
should not exceed DVDD by more than 0.3 V.