AT91SAM7S Series Preliminary
Normal Interrupt
Priority Controller
An 8-level priority controller drives the nIRQ line of the processor, depending on the interrupt
conditions occurring on the interrupt sources 1 to 31 (except for those programmed in Fast
Each interrupt source has a programmable priority level of 7 to 0, which is user-definable by writ-
ing the PRIOR field of the corresponding AIC_SMR (Source Mode Register). Level 7 is the
highest priority and level 0 the lowest.
As soon as an interrupt condition occurs, as defined by the SRCTYPE field of the AIC_SMR
(Source Mode Register), the nIRQ line is asserted. As a new interrupt condition might have hap-
pened on other interrupt sources since the nIRQ has been asserted, the priority controller
determines the current interrupt at the time the AIC_IVR (Interrupt Vector Register) is read. The
read of AIC_IVR is the entry point of the interrupt handling which allows the AIC to consider
that the interrupt has been taken into account by the software.
The current priority level is defined as the priority level of the current interrupt.
If several interrupt sources of equal priority are pending and enabled when the AIC_IVR is read,
the interrupt with the lowest interrupt source number is serviced first.
The nIRQ line can be asserted only if an interrupt condition occurs on an interrupt source with a
higher priority. If an interrupt condition happens (or is pending) during the interrupt treatment in
progress, it is delayed until the software indicates to the AIC the end of the current service by
writing the AIC_EOICR (End of Interrupt Command Register). The write of AIC_EOICR is the
exit point of the interrupt handling.
Interrupt Nesting
The priority controller utilizes interrupt nesting in order for the high priority interrupt to be handled
during the service of lower priority interrupts. This requires the interrupt service routines of the
lower interrupts to re-enable the interrupt at the processor level.
When an interrupt of a higher priority happens during an already occurring interrupt service rou-
tine, the nIRQ line is re-asserted. If the interrupt is enabled at the core level, the current
execution is interrupted and the new interrupt service routine should read the AIC_IVR. At this
time, the current interrupt number and its priority level are pushed into an embedded hardware
stack, so that they are saved and restored when the higher priority interrupt servicing is finished
and the AIC_EOICR is written.
The AIC is equipped with an 8-level wide hardware stack in order to support up to eight interrupt
nestings pursuant to having eight priority levels.
Interrupt Vectoring
The interrupt handler addresses corresponding to each interrupt source can be stored in the reg-
isters AIC_SVR1 to AIC_SVR31 (Source Vector Register 1 to 31). When the processor reads
AIC_IVR (Interrupt Vector Register), the value written into AIC_SVR corresponding to the cur-
rent interrupt is returned.
This feature offers a way to branch in one single instruction to the handler corresponding to the
current interrupt, as AIC_IVR is mapped at the absolute address 0xFFFF F100 and thus acces-
sible from the ARM interrupt vector at address 0x0000 0018 through the following instruction:
PC,[PC,# -&F20]