DS41419C-page 256
2010-2011 Microchip Technology Inc.
When one device is transmitting a logical one, or letting
the line float, and a second device is transmitting a log-
ical zero, or holding the line low, the first device can
detect that the line is not a logical one. This detection,
when used on the SCL line, is called clock stretching.
Clock stretching gives slave devices a mechanism to
control the flow of data. When this detection is used on
the SDA line, it is called arbitration. Arbitration ensures
that there is only one master device communicating at
any single time.
When a slave device has not completed processing
data, it can delay the transfer of more data through the
process of Clock Stretching. An addressed slave
device may hold the SCL clock line low after receiving
or sending a bit, indicating that it is not yet ready to con-
tinue. The master that is communicating with the slave
will attempt to raise the SCL line in order to transfer the
next bit, but will detect that the clock line has not yet
been released. Because the SCL connection is
open-drain, the slave has the ability to hold that line low
until it is ready to continue communicating.
Clock stretching allows receivers that cannot keep up
with a transmitter to control the flow of incoming data.
Each master device must monitor the bus for Start and
Stop bits. If the device detects that the bus is busy, it
cannot begin a new message until the bus returns to an
Idle state.
However, two master devices may try to initiate a trans-
mission on or about the same time. When this occurs,
the process of arbitration begins. Each transmitter
checks the level of the SDA data line and compares it
to the level that it expects to find. The first transmitter to
observe that the two levels don’t match, loses arbitra-
tion, and must stop transmitting on the SDA line.
For example, if one transmitter holds the SDA line to a
logical one (lets it float) and a second transmitter holds
it to a logical zero (pulls it low), the result is that the
SDA line will be low. The first transmitter then observes
that the level of the line is different than expected and
concludes that another transmitter is communicating.
The first transmitter to notice this difference is the one
that loses arbitration and must stop driving the SDA
line. If this transmitter is also a master device, it also
must stop driving the SCL line. It then can monitor the
lines for a Stop condition before trying to reissue its
transmission. In the meantime, the other device that
has not noticed any difference between the expected
and actual levels on the SDA line continues with its
original transmission. It can do so without any compli-
cations, because so far, the transmission appears
exactly as expected with no other transmitter disturbing
the message.
Slave Transmit mode can also be arbitrated, when a
master addresses multiple slaves, but this is less com-
If two master devices are sending a message to two dif-
ferent slave devices at the address stage, the master
sending the lower slave address always wins arbitra-
tion. When two master devices send messages to the
same slave address, and addresses can sometimes
refer to multiple slaves, the arbitration process must
continue into the data stage.
Arbitration usually occurs very rarely, but it is a neces-
sary process for proper multi-master support.
Mode Operation
All MSSP1 I2C communication is byte oriented and
shifted out MSb first. Six SFR registers and 2 interrupt
flags interface the module with the PIC microcon-
troller and user software. Two pins, SDA and SCL, are
exercised by the module to communicate with other
external I2C devices.
All communication in I2C is done in 9-bit segments. A
byte is sent from a Master to a Slave or vice-versa, fol-
lowed by an Acknowledge bit sent back. After the 8th
falling edge of the SCL line, the device outputting data
on the SDA changes that pin to an input and reads in
an acknowledge value on the next clock pulse.
The clock signal, SCL, is provided by the master. Data
is valid to change while the SCL signal is low, and
sampled on the rising edge of the clock. Changes on
the SDA line while the SCL line is high define special
conditions on the bus, explained below.
There is language and terminology in the description
of I2C communication that have definitions specific to
I2C. That word usage is defined below and may be
used in the rest of this document without explana-
This table was adapted from the Phillips I2C
Selection of any I2C mode with the SSP1EN bit set,
forces the SCL and SDA pins to be open-drain. These
pins should be set by the user to inputs by setting the
appropriate TRIS bits.
Note: Data is tied to output zero when an I2C
mode is enabled.