Board Mountable
DC-DC Converters
G Series
Edition 5/5.2000
Very high efficiency, typ. 87%
Operating case temperature range –25...95
Flex power (flexible load distribution on all outputs)
Excellent dynamic response (magnetic feedback)
Active current sharing for operation in parallel
Outputs overload, no-load and short-circuit proof
Serial 8 bit status communication interface
Thermal protection with pre-warning prior to shut-
Very compact (chip and wire technology)
High reliability
MTBF >700'000 h (Ground benign, 40
Table of Contents
Summary .......................................................................... 1
Type Survey and Key Data .............................................. 2
Type Key .......................................................................... 2
Functional Description ...................................................... 3
Electrical Input Data ......................................................... 4
Electrical Output Data ...................................................... 5
25 Watt DC-DC Converters
G Series
The G series of 25 Watt DC-DC converters represents a
versalite range of board mountable power supplies for use
in advanced electronic systems of centralized or decentral-
ized structure. Features include very high efficiency com-
bined with compact size, high reliability (MTBF), wide input
voltage ranges, transient voltage and surge protection, low
output ripple and noise and excellent dynamic response to
load and line changes.
Available with three outputs electrically isolated from the in-
put the converters deliver 25 Watt output power with flexible
load distribution between all outputs without provoking un-
acceptable voltage deviations.
The G series is designed as a hybrid circuit comprising pro-
prietary control ASICs and chip and wire technology.
Auxiliary Functions ........................................................... 8
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) ............................ 10
Immunity to Environmental Conditions ........................... 11
Mechanical Data ............................................................ 12
Safety and Installation Instructions ................................ 12
Description of Options .................................................... 14
The design is based on an advanced zero-voltage switch-
ing topology, optimised circuitry and high grade compo-
nents including the latest integration technologies.
Main application areas are telecom, avionics, industrial and
mobile applications where outstanding electrical perform-
ance and reliability are required.
Optionally the converters are available with an output volt-
age monitor with diagnostic results obtainable via an 8bit
serial interface and reset/shut-down signals for micro con-
troller applications.
Two different aluminium cases are available either for sim-
ple board mounting or with an additional mounting-flange.
Input voltage ranges up to 75 V DC
3 outputs 5...15 V DC
1500 V DC I/O electric strength test voltage