The FM25W256 is a serial FRAM memory. The
memory array is logically organized as 32,768 x 8
and is accessed using an industry standard Serial
Peripheral Interface or SPI bus. Functional operation
of the FRAM is similar to serial EEPROMs. The
major difference between the FM25W256 and a
serial EEPROM with the same pinout is the FRAM’s
superior write performance and power consumption.
Rev. 1.0
Aug. 2004
Page 3 of 13
Memory Architecture
When accessing the FM25W256, the user addresses
32K locations of 8 data bits each. These data bits are
shifted serially. The addresses are accessed using the
SPI protocol, which includes a chip select (to permit
multiple devices on the bus), an op-code, and a two-
byte address. The upper bit of the address range is a
“don’t care” value. The complete address of 15-bits
specifies each byte address uniquely.
Most functions of the FM25W256 either are
controlled by the SPI interface or are handled
automatically by on-board circuitry. The access time
for memory operation is essentially zero, beyond the
time needed for the serial protocol. That is, the
memory is read or written at the speed of the SPI bus.
Unlike an EEPROM, it is not necessary to poll the
device for a ready condition since writes occur at bus
speed. So, by the time a new bus transaction can be
shifted into the device, a write operation will be
complete. This is explained in more detail in the
interface section.
Users expect several obvious system benefits from
the FM25W256 due to its fast write cycle and high
endurance as compared to EEPROM. In addition
there are less obvious benefits as well. For example
in a high noise environment, the fast-write operation
is less susceptible to corruption than an EEPROM
since it is completed quickly. By contrast, an
EEPROM requiring milliseconds to write is
vulnerable to noise during much of the cycle.
Note that the FM25W256 contains no power
management circuits other than a simple internal
power-on reset. It is the user’s responsibility to
ensure that V
is within datasheet tolerances to
prevent incorrect operation.
Serial Peripheral Interface – SPI Bus
The FM25W256 employs a Serial Peripheral
Interface (SPI) bus. It is specified to operate at speeds
up to 25 MHz. This high-speed serial bus provides
high performance serial communication to a host
microcontroller. Many common microcontrollers
have hardware SPI ports allowing a direct interface.
It is quite simple to emulate the port using ordinary
port pins for microcontrollers that do not. The
FM25W256 operates in SPI Mode 0 and 3.
The SPI interface uses a total of four pins: clock,
data-in, data-out, and chip select. It is possible to
connect the two data pins together. Figure 2
illustrates a typical system configuration using the
FM25W256 with a microcontroller that offers an SPI
port. Figure 3 shows a similar configuration for a
microcontroller that has no hardware support for the
SPI bus.
Protocol Overview
The SPI interface is a synchronous serial interface
using clock and data pins. It is intended to support
multiple devices on the bus. Each device is activated
using a chip select. Once chip select is activated by
the bus master, the FM25W256 will begin
monitoring the clock and data lines. The relationship
between the falling edge of /CS, the clock and data is
dictated by the SPI mode. The device will make a
determination of the SPI mode on the falling edge of
each chip select. While there are four such modes, the
FM25W256 supports only modes 0 and 3. Figure 4
shows the required signal relationships for modes 0
and 3. For both modes, data is clocked into the
FM25W256 on the rising edge of SCK and data is
expected on the first rising edge after /CS goes
active. If the clock starts from a high state, it will fall
prior to the first data transfer in order to create the
first rising edge.
The SPI protocol is controlled by op-codes. These
op-codes specify the commands to the device. After
/CS is activated the first byte transferred from the bus
master is the op-code. Following the op-code, any
addresses and data are then transferred.
Certain op-codes are commands with no subsequent
data transfer. The /CS must go inactive after an
operation is complete and before a new op-code can
be issued. There is one valid op-code only per active
chip select.