(Read Address)
Bits 15 to 14: Not used.
Bits 13 to 8 : Instantaneous value of CHx_20MS_EPOCH.
Bits 7 to 5 : Not used.
Bits 4 to 0 : Instantaneous value of CHx_1MS_EPOCH.
Reading this address gives the instantaneous value of the
CHx_1MS_EPOCH and the CHx_20MS_EPOCH counters. It
can be used to verify if the Epoch counters have been properly
initialised by the software. Its value is not latched and is
incremented on each DUMP. To ensure the correct result, this
register should be read only when there is no possibility of
getting a DUMP during the read cycle, by synchronising the
read to NEW_ACCUM_DATA. The ranges of these values are
the same as those seen in the CHx_EPOCH register.
(Read Address)
Bits 15, 14, 7, 6 and 5: Not used. Read gives Low.
Bits 13 to 8: CHx_20MS_EPOCH: The 20 ms epoch counter
value that was sampled at the last TIC event, with a valid range
from 0 to 49.
Bits 4 to 0: CHx_1MS_EPOCH: The 1 ms epoch counter value
that was sampled at the last TIC event, with a valid range from
0 to 19.
(Write Address)
Bits 15, 14, 7, 6, and 5: Not used.
Bits 13 to 8: CHx_20MS_EPOCH: The value to be loaded into
the 20 millisecond epoch counter, with a valid range from 0 to
Bits 4 to 0: CHx_1MS_EPOCH: The value to be loaded into the
1 millisecond epoch counter, with a valid range from 0 to 19.
This operation is affected by the current channel mode,
(PRESET or UPDATE). In UPDATE mode, the data written
into these registers is immediately transferred to the 1 ms and
20 ms epoch counters. In PRESET mode however, the data
is transferred only after the next TIC. It is important to load the
CHx_EPOCH register last in the PRESET mode loading
sequence because the trailing edge of a write to this register
enables the whole PRESET operation on the next TIC. Refer
to Detailed Operation of the GP2021 for more details of the
PRESET mode. *
* Refer to page 23
half chips in a GPS C/A code, a programmed value of 2047 is
equivalent to a programmed value of 1, but the next DUMP
event will take place 1 ms later. In PRESET mode, the slew
timing is set only by TIC, which will also reset the code
generator, (no DUMP is needed). A non–zero slew must
always be programmed when using PRESET mode.
The CHx_CODE_SLEW register can be written to at any time.
If two accesses have taken place before a DUMP in UPDATE
mode or before a TIC when in PRESET mode, the latest value
will be used at the next slew operation. During the time a slew
process is being executed, any further write access to the
CHx_CODE_SLEW register will be stored until the following
DUMP and then cause the transfer of this new value into the
counter. This situation may be avoided by synchronising the
access with the associated CHx_NEW_ACCUM_DATA
status bit.
If a channel is inactive, a non–zero slew value should be
written into CHx_CODE_SLEW before the channel is
released. This write will be acted on immediately the reset is
If a TIC occurs during or soon after a slew the channel will
not be locked to the satellite, so the Measurement Data for that
channel will not be of use.
The ability to read the Slew counter is included only for
testing hardware or software and has no other use. It will only
give a non–zero result if the read occurs during the actual slew
operation. An example of a slewing event is shown in Fig.23.
t1: Load 5 into CHx_CODE_SLEW register = 2.5 chips delay
1023 CHIPS
1025.5 CHIPS
Fig.23 Slew timing in UPDATE mode