Rev: 1.01 11/2000
Specifications cited are design targets and are subject to change without notice. For latest documentation contact your GSI representative.
2000, Giga Semiconductor, Inc.
Advanced Information
Disabling the JTAG Port
It is possible to use this device without utilizing the JTAG port. The port is reset at power-up and will remain inactive unless
clocked. To assure normal operation of the RAM with the JTAG Port unused, TCK, TDI, and TMS may be left floating or tied to
. TDO should be left unconnected.
JTAG Port Registers
The various JTAG registers, refered to as TAP registers, are selected (one at a time) via the sequences of 1s and 0s applied to TMS
as TCK is strobed. Each of the TAP registers are serial shift registers that capture serial input data on the rising edge of TCK and
push serial data out on the next falling edge of TCK. When a register is selected, it is placed between the TDI and TDO pins.
Instruction Register
The Instruction Register holds the instructions that are executed by the TAP controller when it is moved into the Run, Test/Idle, or
the various data register states. Instructions are 3 bits long. The Instruction Register can be loaded when it is placed between the
TDI and TDO pins. The Instruction Register is automatically preloaded with the IDCODE instruction at power-up or whenever the
controller is placed in Test-Logic-Reset state.
Bypass Register
The Bypass Register is a single-bit register that can be placed between TDI and TDO. It allows serial test data to be passed through
the RAM’s JTAG Port to another device in the scan chain with as little delay as possible.
JTAG Pin Descriptions
Pin Name
Test Clock
Clocks all TAP events. All inputs are captured on the rising edge of TCK and all outputs propagate
from the falling edge of TCK.
The TMS input is sampled on the rising edge of TCK. This is the command input for the TAP
controller state machine. An undriven TMS input will produce the same result as a logic one input
The TDI input is sampled on the rising edge of TCK. This is the input side of the serial registers
placed between TDI and TDO. The register placed between TDI and TDO is determined by the state
of the TAP Controller state machine and the instruction that is currently loaded in the TAP Instruction
Register (refer to the TAP Controller State Diagram). An undriven TDI pin will produce the same
result as a logic one input level.
Output that is active depending on the state of the TAP state machine. Output changes in response
to the falling edge of TCK. This is the output side of the serial registers placed between TDI and TDO.
Test Mode Select
Test Data In
Test Data Out
This device does not have a TRST (TAP Reset) pin. TRST is optional in IEEE 1149.1. The Test-Logic-Reset state is entered while TMS is held
high for five rising edges of TCK. The TAP Controller is also reset automaticly at power-up.