Timer Overview (Continued)
TLDD8801 – 23
FIGURE 21 Timers T4 – T7 Block
Maximum output frequency for any timer output can be ob-
tained by setting timerregister pair to zero This then will
produce an output frequency equal to
the frequency of
the source used for clocking the timer
Timer Registers
There are four control registers that program the timers The
divide by (DIVBY) register programs the clock input to tim-
ers T2 and T3 The timer mode register (TMMODE) contains
control bits to start and stop timers T1 through T3 It also
contains bits to latch acknowledge and enable interrupts
from timers T0 through T3 The control register PWMODE
similarly programs the pulse width timers T4 through T7 by
allowing them to be started stopped and to latch and en-
able interrupts on underflows The PORTP register contains
bits to preset the outputs and enable the synchronous timer
output functions
Timer Applications
The use of Pulse Width Timers for the generation of various
waveforms is easily accomplished by the HPC16083
Frequencies can be generated by using the timerregister
pairs A square wave is generated when the register value is
a constant The duty cycle can be controlled simply by
changing the register value
TLDD8801 – 24
FIGURE 22 Square Wave Frequency Generation
Synchronous outputs based on Timer T2 can be generated
on the 4 outputs TS0 – TS3 Each output can be individually
programmed to toggle on T2 underflow Register R2 con-
tains the time delay between events
Figure 23 is an exam-
ple of synchronous pulse train generation
The WATCHDOG Logic monitors the operations taking
place and signals upon the occurrence of any illegal activity
The illegal conditions that trigger the WATCHDOG logic are
potentially infinite loops and illegal addresses Should the
TLDD8801 – 25
FIGURE 23 Synchronous Pulse Generation
WATCHDOG register not be written to before Timer T0
overflows twice or more often than once every 4096
counts an infinite loop condition is assumed to have oc-
curred An illegal condition also occurs when the processor
generates an illegal address when in the Single-Chip
Any illegal condition forces the WATCHDOG Out-
put (WO) pin low The WO pin is an open drain output and
can be connected to the RESET or NMI inputs or to the
users external logic
Note See Operating Modes for details
MICROWIREPLUS is used for synchronous serial data
communications (see
Figure 24 ) MICROWIREPLUS has
an 8-bit parallel-loaded serial shift register using SI as the
input and SO as the output SK is the clock for the serial
shift register (SIO) The SK clock signal can be provided by
an internal or external source The internal clock rate is pro-
grammable by the DIVBY register A DONE flag indicates
when the data shift is completed
TLDD8801 – 26
The MICROWIREPLUS capability enables it to interface
with any of National Semiconductor’s MICROWIRE periph-
erals (ie AD converters display drivers EEPROMs)