IDT72V255LA/72V265LA 3.3 VOLT CMOS SuperSync FIFO
8,192 x 18, 16,384 x 18
OCTOBER 22, 2008
This is a dual purpose pin. In the IDT Standard mode, the Empty Flag
EF) function is selected. When the FIFO is empty, EF will go LOW,
inhibiting further read operations. When
EF is HIGH, the FIFO is not empty.
See Figure 8, Read Cycle, Empty Flag and First Word Latency Timing
(IDT Standard Mode), for the relevant timing information.
In FWFT mode, the Output Ready (
OR) function is selected. OR goes
LOW at the same time that the first word written to an empty FIFO appears
valid on the outputs.
OR stays LOW after the RCLK LOW to HIGH transition
that shifts the last word from the FIFO memory to the outputs.
OR goes
HIGH only with a true read (RCLK with
REN = LOW). The previous data
stays at the outputs, indicating the last word was read. Further data reads
are inhibited until
OR goes LOW again. See Figure 10, Read Timing
(FWFT Mode), for the relevant timing information.
EF/OR is synchronous and updated on the rising edge of RCLK.
In IDT Standard mode,
EF is a double register-buffered output. In FWFT
OR is a triple register-buffered output.
The Programmable Almost-Full flag (
PAF) will go LOW when the FIFO
reaches the almost-full condition. In IDT Standard mode, if no reads are
performed after reset (
MRS), PAF will go LOW after (D - m) words are
written to the FIFO. The
PAF will go LOW after (8,192-m) writes for the
IDT72V255LA and (16,384-m) writes for the IDT72V265LA. The offset “m”
is the full offset value. The default setting for this value is stated in the
footnote of Table 1.
In FWFT mode, the
PAF will go LOW after (8,193-m) writes for the
IDT72V255LA and (16,385-m) writes for the IDT72V265LA, where m is the
full offset value. The default setting for this value is stated in the footnote of
Table 2.
See Figure 16, Programmable Almost-Full Flag Timing (IDT Standard
and FWFT Mode), for the relevant timing information.
PAF is synchronous and updated on the rising edge of WCLK.
The Programmable Almost-Empty flag (
PAE) will go LOW when the FIFO
reaches the almost-empty condition. In IDT Standard mode,
PAE will go
LOW when there are n words or less in the FIFO. The offset “n” is the
empty offset value. The default setting for this value is stated in the footnote
of Table 1.
In FWFT mode, the
PAE will go LOW when there are n+1 words or less
in the FIFO. The default setting for this value is stated in the footnote of
Table 2.
See Figure 17, Programmable Almost-Empty Flag Timing (IDT Stan-
dard and FWFT Mode), for the relevant timing information.
PAE is synchronous and updated on the rising edge of RCLK.
This output indicates a half-full FIFO. The rising WCLK edge that fills the
FIFO beyond half-full sets
HF LOW. The flag remains LOW until the differ-
ence between the write and read pointers becomes less than or equal to
half of the total depth of the device; the rising RCLK edge that accomplishes
this condition sets
In IDT Standard mode, if no reads are performed after reset (
MRS or
PRS), HF will go LOW after (D/2 + 1) writes to the FIFO, where D = 8,192
for the IDT72V255LA and 16,384 for the IDT72V265LA.
In FWFT mode, if no reads are performed after reset (
will go LOW after (D-1/2 + 2) writes to the FIFO, where D = 8,193 for the
IDT72V255LA and 16,385 for the IDT72V265LA.
See Figure 18, Half-Full Flag Timing (IDT Standard and FWFT Modes),
for the relevant timing information. Because
HF is updated by both RCLK
and WCLK, it is considered asynchronous.
(Q0 - Q17) are data outputs for 18-bit wide data.