The Bus Exchanger is used to service both read and write
operations between the CPU and the dual memory busses. It
includes independent data path elements for reads from and
writes to each of the memory banks (Y and Z). Data flow
control is managed by a simple set of control signals, analo-
gous to a simple transceiver. In short, the Bus Exchanger
allows bidirectional communication between ports X and Y
and ports X and Z as illustrated in figure 1.
The data path elements for each port include:
Read Latch
: Each of the memory ports Y and Z contains a
transparent latch to capture the contents of the memory bus.
Each latch features an independent latch enable.
Write Latch
: Each memory port Y and Z contains an indepen-
dent latch to capture data from the CPU bus during writes.
Each memory port write latch features an independent latch
enable, allowing write data to be directed to a specific memory
port without disrupting the other memory port.
Data Flow Control Signals
). This signal controls the direction
of data transfer. A transmit is used for CPU writes, and a
receive is used for read operations.
are the output enable control signals to select
upper or lower bytes of all three ports.
: The path control signal is used to select between the
even memory path Y and the odd memory path Z during read
or write operations. Path selects the memory port to be
connected to the CPU bus (X-port), and is independent of the
latch enable signals. Thus, it is possible to transfer data from
one memory port to the CPU bus (X) while capturing data from
the other memory port.
Latch Mode
In this mode the read operation consists of two stages.
During the first stage, the data present at the memory port is
captured by the read latch for that memory port. During a
subsequent stage, data is brought from a selected memory
port to the CPU A/D port X by using output enable control.
The read operation is selected by driving T/
LOW. The
read is managed using the Path input to select the memory
port (Y or Z); the LEYX/LEZX enable the data capture into the
corresponding Read Latch.
In this way, memory interleaving can be performed. While
data from one bank is output onto the CPU bus, data on the
other bank is captured in the other memory port. In the next
cycle, the Path input is changed, enabling the next data
element onto the CPU bus, while the first bank is presented
with a new data element.
Transparent Mode
The Bus Exchanger may be used as a data transceiver by
leaving all latches open or transparent.
Memory Write Operations
Memory write operations also consist of two distinct stages.
During one stage, the write data is captured into the selected
memory port write latch. During a later stage, the memory is
presented on the memory port bus
The write operation is selected by driving T/
HIGH. Writes
are thus performed using the Path input to select the memory
port (Y or Z). The LEXY/LEXZ capture data in the correspond-
ing Write Latch.
Note that it is possible to utilize the bus exchanger’s write
resources as an additional write buffer, if desired; the CPU
A/D bus can be freed up once the data has been captured by
the Bus Exchanger.
Use as Part of the R3051 Family ChipSet
Figure 2 shows the use of the Bus Exchanger in a typical
R3051 based system.
In write transactions, the R3051 drives data on the CPU
bus. The latch enables are held open through the entire write;
thus, the bus exchanger is used like a transceiver. The
appropriate LEXY/LEXZ signal is derived from ALE (Logic
LOW- indicating that the processor is driving data) and the low
order address bit. The rising edge of
from the CPU, ends
the write operation.
During read transactions, the memory system is respon-
sible for generating the input control signals to cause data to
be captured at the memory ports. The memory controller is
also responsible for acknowledging back to the CPU that the
data is available, and causing the appropriate path to be
The R3721 DRAM controller for the R3051 family uses the
transparent latches of the read ports. The R3721 directly
controls the inputs of the bus exchanger, during both reads
and writes. Consult the R3721 data sheet for more informa-
tion on these control signals.
Use in a general 32-bit System
Figures 3 and 4 illustrate the use of the Bus Exchanger in
a 32-bit microprocessor based system. Note the reduced pin
count achieved with the Bus Exchanger.