Functional Description
August 20, 2009
- The extracted HDLC packet does not consist of an integral num-
ber of octets;
- A 7F (Hex) abort sequence is received;
- Address is not matched if the address comparison is enabled.
(The address comparison mode is selected by the ADRM[1:0] bits. If
high byte address comparison is required, the high byte address posi-
tion (the byte following the opening flag) is compared with the value in
the HA[7:0] bits, or with ‘0xFC’ or ‘0xFE’. Here the ‘C/R’ bit position is
excluded to compare. If low byte address comparison is required, the
high byte address position is compared with the value in the LA[7:0] bits.
Here the ‘C/R’ bit position is included to compare. If both bytes address
comparison is required, the high byte address position is compared with
the value in the HA[7:0] bits, or with ‘0xFC’ or ‘0xFE’. Here the ‘C/R’ bit
position is excluded to compare. And the low byte position (the byte fol-
lowing the high byte address position) is compared with the value in the
LA[7:0] bits.
If any of the above conditions is detected, the current block will be
discarded, but the one-byte overhead will still be written into the FIFO.
The overhead consists of the M[2:0] bits and the length indication bits as
Figure 15. Overhead Indication In The FIFO
The FIFO depth is 128 bytes. The FIFO is accessed by the
DAT[7:0] bits. When the overhead is read from the FIFO, it will be indi-
cated by the PACK bit. When all valid HDLC blocks are pushed into the
FIFO or all the blocks are read from the FIFO, it will be indicated by the
EMP bit.
The interrupt sources in this block are summarized in
Table 30.When there are conditions meeting the interrupt sources, the corre-
sponding Interrupt Indication bit will be set to ‘1’ and the Interrupt Indica-
tion bit will be cleared by writing a ‘1’. A ‘1’ in the Interrupt Indication bit
means there is an interrupt. The interrupt will be reported by the INT pin
if its Interrupt Enable bit is ‘1’.
The HDLC Receiver will be reset when there is a transition from ‘0’
to ‘1’ on the RRST bit. The reset will clear the FIFO, the PACK bit and
the EMP bit.
overhead (one byte)
bit 7
bit 0
Length Indication
= 000: A valid short HDLC packet is received, i.e., the data stream between the opening flag and the FCS is less than 32 bytes (including 32
= 001: The current block is not the last block of the HDLC packet.
= 010: The current block is the last block of a valid long (more than 32 bytes) HDLC packet.
= 011: Reserved.
= 100: An invalid short HDLC packet is received and the current block is discarded.
= 101: The current block is the last block of an invalid long HDLC packet and the block is discarded.
= 110: Reserved.
= 111: Reserved.
The Length Indication is valid when the M2 bit is zero: Length Indication = N - 1 (N is the number of byte).
Otherwise, the Length Indication is zero.
Table 30: Interrupt Summarize In HDLC Mode
Interrupt Indication Bit Interrupt Enable Bit
A block is pushed into the FIFO.
Data is still attempted to write
into the FIFO when the FIFO
has been already full (128