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Typically it is desirable for the last element in the transmit
chain to set the P1dB of the system. The Cascaded 1dB
Compression Point is calculated as shown in Equation (10)
for Input P1dB or Equation (11) for Output P1dB.
Comparing the system P1dB at the Power Amplifier,
21.2dBm, with the P1dB of the PA itself, 24.5dBm, it is
apparent that other elements in the transmit chain are
affecting P1dB and therefore, contributing to the regrowth of
side-lobes early. Measurements have determined that a 6dB
margin, between signal power and the P1dB of a device will
result in 1dB of side-lobe regrowth. In the level diagram the
upconvert mixer has only 4.8dB headroom setting the P1dB
of the system from the mixer to the PA. If the upconvert mixer
were to have 2dB higher P1dB or if the transmit chain had
2dB additional gain, virtually all the side lobe regrowth could
be made to occur at the PA. This would allow the PA to be
driven for a larger output power signal, closer to the P1dB.
Through a detailed analysis of an existing radio design, this
paper has presented useful tools and methods for the design
and implementation of a 2.4GHz DS Wireless LAN radio.
These tools include; “Receive Chain Gain
Distribution/Limiter Analysis”, the “Receive Chain Front End
Cascade Analysis”, and the “Transmit Chain Front End
Cascade Analysis”.
The paper shows how the radio design is shaped from early
decisions about the modulation scheme, protocol, and
environment. The basic decision of what will provide the
majority of receiver gain, AGCs or Limiters. The use of a
typical block diagram, such as the Intersil PRISM chip set, in
the piecing together or setting goals for a new design or
understanding an existing one. Finally the cascade analysis
reveals strong and weak points in the design that may be
improved to reduce cost or gain performance.
The cascade analysis was performed using “AppCAD
Version 1.02 by HewlettPackard”. This freeware is no longer
available but many cascade analysis tools exist with
advanced capabilities and that are easy to use.
For Intersil documents available on the internet, see web site
Intersil AnswerFAX (321) 724-7800.
[1] M. F. Uman,
“Introduction to the Physics of Electronics”
Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1974, pp. 82-
[2] F. G. Stremler,
“Introduction to Communication
, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company,
Reading, Mass, 1982, pp.185-189.
[3] AN9624, 1966 Application Note, Intersil Corporation,
“PRISM, DSSS PC Wireless Lan Description”
AnswerFAX Doc. No. 99624, C. Andren, M. Paljug, D.
PRISM1BRD Data Sheet
, Intersil Corporation
AnswerFAX Doc. No. 4289
HFA3824 Data Sheet
, Intersil Corporation, AnswerFAX
Doc. No. 4308
HFA3925 Data Sheet
, Intersil Corporation, AnswerFAX
Doc. No. 4132
HFA3424 Data Sheet
, Intersil Corporation, AnswerFAX
Doc. No. 4131
HFA3624 Data Sheet
, Intersil Corporation, AnswerFAX
Doc. No. 4066
HFA3724 Data Sheet
, Intersil Corporation, AnswerFAX
Doc. No. 4067
HFA3524 Data Sheet
, Intersil Corporation, AnswerFAX
Doc. No. 4062
+ ...
Where IP1dB (Input 1dB Compression Point) and G (Gain) are
linear numbers.
(EQ. 10)
+ ...
(EQ. 11)
Where OP1dB (Input 1dB Compression Point) and G (Gain) are
linear numbers.
Application Note 9810