The LPC47S42x provides board test capability through the XNOR chain. When the chip is in the XNOR
chain test mode, setting the state of any of the input pins to the opposite of its current state will cause
the output of the chain to toggle.
All pins on the chip are inputs to the XNOR chain, with the exception of the following:
1. VCC (pins 53, 65 & 93) and VTR (pin 18)
2. VSS (pins 7, 31, 60, & 76)
3. GP31/FAN_TACH (pin 52). This is the chain output.
4. nPCI_RESET (pin 26)
To put the chip in the XNOR chain test mode, tie LAD0 (pin 20) and nLFRAME (pin 24) low. Then
toggle nPCI_RESET (pin 26) from a low to a high state. Once the chip is put into XNOR chain test
mode, LAD0 (pin 20) and nLFRAME (pin 24) become part of the chain.
To exit the XNOR chain test mode tie LAD0 (pin 20) or nLFRAME (pin 24) high. Then toggle
nPCI_RESET (pin 26) from a low to a high state. A VCC POR will also cause the XNOR chain test
mode to be exited. To verify the test mode has been exited, observe the output on GP31/FAN_TACH
(pin 52). Toggling any of the input pins should not cause its state to change.
Ensure power supply is off during setup.
1. Connect VSS (pins 7, 31, 60, & 76) to ground.
2. Connect VCC (pins 53, 65 & 93) and VTR (pin 18) to VCC (3.3V).
3. Connect an oscilloscope or voltmeter to GP31/FAN_TACH (pin 52).
4. All other pins should be tied to ground.
1. Turn power on.
2. With LAD0 (pin 20) and nLFRAME (pin 24) low, bring nPCI_RESET (pin 26) high. The chip is
now in XNOR chain test mode. At this point, all inputs to the XNOR chain are low. The output
on GP31/FAN_TACH (pin 52) should also be low. Refer to INITIAL CONFIG on Truth Table 1.
3. Bring pin 100 high. The output on GP31/FAN_TACH (pin 52) should go high. Refer to STEP
ONE on Truth Table 1.
4. In descending pin order, bring each input high. The output should switch states each time an
input is toggled. Continue until all inputs are high. The output on GP31/FAN_TACH should
now be low. Refer to END CONFIG on Truth Table 1.
5. The current state of the chip is now represented by INITIAL CONFIG in Truth Table 2.
6. Each input should now be brought low, starting at pin one and continuing in ascending order.
Continue until all inputs are low. The output on GP31/FAN_TACH should now be low. Refer to
Truth Table 2.
7. To exit test mode, tie LAD0 (pin 20) or nLFRAME (pin 24) high, and toggle nPCI_RESET from
a low to a high state.