GND (Pins 1, 5, 7, 20, 35, 41, 44, 48, Exposed Pad
Pin 49 (QFN Only)): Ground. All GND pins must be con-
nected to a solid ground plane. Exposed pad must be
soldered directly to the ground plane.
AVP (Pins 2, 40, 45, 46, 47): 5V Analog Power Supply.
The range of AVP is 4.75V to 5.25V. Bypass AVP to GND
with a good quality 0.1μF and a 10μF ceramic capacitor
in parallel.
DVP (Pins 3, 19): 5V Digital Power Supply. The range of
DVP is 4.75V to 5.25V. Bypass DVP to GND with a good
quality 0.1μF and a 10μF ceramic capacitor in parallel.
SER/PAR (Pin 4): Serial/Parallel Selection Input. This pin
controls the digital interface. A logic high on this pin se-
lects the serial interface and a logic low selects the parallel
interface. In the serial mode the non-active digital outputs
are high impedance.
OB/2C (Pin 6): Offset Binary/Two’s Complement Input.
When OB/2C is high, the digital output is offset binary.
When low, the MSB is inverted resulting in two’s comple-
ment output.
low, data will be output with Pin 28 (D15) being the MSB
and Pin 9 (D0) being the LSB. With BYTESWAP high, the
upper eight bits and the lower eight bits will be switched.
The MSB is output on Pin 16 and Bit 8 is output on Pin 9.
Bit 7 is output on Pin 28 and the LSB is output on Pin 21.
D0 (Pin 9): Data Bit 0. When SER/PAR = 0 this pin is Bit 0
of the parallel port data output bus.
D1 (Pin 10): Data Bit 1. When SER/PAR = 0 this pin is
Bit 1 of the parallel port data output bus.
D2 (Pin 11): Data Bit 2. When SER/PAR = 0 this pin is
Bit 2 of the parallel port data output bus.
D3 (Pin 12): Data Bit 3. When SER/PAR = 0 this pin is
Bit 3 of the parallel port data output bus.
D4 (Pin 13): Data Bit 4. When SER/PAR = 0 this pin is
Bit 4 of the parallel port data output bus.
D5 (Pin 14): Data Bit 5. When SER/PAR = 0 this pin is
Bit 5 of the parallel port data output bus.
D6 (Pin 15): Data Bit 6. When SER/PAR = 0 this pin is
Bit 6 of the parallel port data output bus.
D7 (Pin 16): Data Bit 7. When SER/PAR = 0 this pin is
Bit 7 of the parallel port data output bus.
OGND (Pin 17): Digital Ground for the Input/Output
OVP (Pin 18): Digital Power Supply for the Input/Output
Interface. The range for OVP is 1.8V to 5V. Bypass OVP
to OGND with a good quality 4.7μF ceramic capacitor
close to the pin.
D8 (Pin 21): Data Bit 8. When SER/PAR = 0 this pin is
Bit 8 of the parallel port data output bus.
D9/SDIN (Pin 22): Data Bit 9/Serial Data Input. When SER/
PAR = 0 this pin is Bit 9 of the parallel port data output bus.
When SER/PAR = 1, (serial mode) this is the serial data
input. SDIN can be used as a data input to daisy chain two
or more conversion results into a single SDOUT line. The
digital data level on SDIN is output on SDOUT with a delay
of 16 SCLK periods after the start of the read sequence.
D10/SDOUT (Pin 23): Data Bit 10/Serial Data Output. When
SER/PAR = 0 this pin is Bit 10 of the parallel port data
output bus. When SER/PAR = 1, (serial mode) this is the
serial data output. The conversion result can be clocked
out serially on this pin synchronized to SCLK. The data
is clocked out MSB first on the rising edge of SCLK and
is valid on the falling edge of SCLK. The data format is
determined by the logic level of OB/2C.
D11/SCLK (Pin 24): Data Bit 11/Serial Clock Input. When
SER/PAR = 0 this pin is Bit 11 of the parallel port data
output bus. When SER/PAR = 1, (serial mode) this is the
serial clock input.
D12 (Pin 25): Data Bit 12. When SER/PAR = 0 this pin is
Bit 12 of the parallel port data output bus.
D13 (Pin 26): Data Bit 13. When SER/PAR = 0 this pin is
Bit 13 of the parallel port data output bus.
D14 (Pin 27): Data Bit 14. When SER/PAR = 0 this pin is
Bit 14 of the parallel port data output bus.
D15 (Pin 28): Data Bit 15. When SER/PAR = 0 this pin is
Bit 15 of the parallel port data output bus. The data format
is determined by the logic level of OB/2C.