sn2847 2847fs
NC (Pins 1,3,18,19,22,23): No Connect.
VDD (Pin 2): Generated Positive Supply Voltage for
V.28. Connect a 1
F capacitor to ground.
VCC (Pin 4): Input Supply Pin. Input supply to charge
pump and transceiver. 4.75V
≤ VCC ≤ 5.25V. Connect a
F capacitor to GND.
D1 (Pin 5): TTL Level Driver 1 Input.
D2 (Pin 6): TTL Level Driver 2 Input.
D3 (Pin 7): TTL Level Driver 3 Input.
R1 (Pin 8): CMOS Level Receiver 1 Output with Pull-Up to
VIN when Three-Stated.
R2 (Pin 9): CMOS Level Receiver 2 Output with Pull-Up to
VIN when Three-Stated.
R3 (Pin 10): CMOS Level Receiver 3 Output with Pull-Up
to VIN when Three-Stated.
M0 (Pin 11): TTL Level Mode Select Input 0 with Pull-Up
to VIN. See Table 1.
M1 (Pin 12): TTL Level Mode Select Input 1 with Pull-Up
to VIN. See Table 1.
VIN (Pin 13): Input Supply Pin. Input supply to digital
interface including receiver output drivers. 3V
≤ VIN ≤
5.25V. Connect to VCC (Pin 4) or to separate supply for
lower receiver output swing. Connect a 1
F capacitor to
M2 (Pin 14): TTL Level Mode Select Input 2 with Pull-Up
to VIN. See Table 1.
DCE/DTE (Pin 15): TTL Level Mode Select Input with
Pull-Up to VIN. See Table 1.
R3 B (Pin 16): Receiver 3 Noninverting Input.
R3 A (Pin 17): Receiver 3 Inverting Input.
R2 B (Pin 20): Receiver 2 Noninverting Input.
R2 A (Pin 21): Receiver 2 Inverting Input.
D3/R1 B (Pin 24): Receiver 1 Noninverting Input and
Driver 3 Noninverting Output.
D3/R1 A (Pin 25): Receiver 1 Inverting Input and Driver 3
Inverting Output.
D2 B (Pin 26): Driver 2 Noninverting Output.
D2 A (Pin 27): Driver 2 Inverting Output.
D1 B (Pin 28): Driver 1 Noninverting Output.
D1 A (Pin 29): Driver 1 Inverting Output.
GND (Pins 30,31): Transceiver Ground.
VEE (Pins 32,33,36): Generated Negative Supply Voltage.
Connect a 3.3
F capacitor to GND. Exposed pad can also
be connected to VEE.
C2 – (Pin 34): Capacitor C2 Negative Terminal. Connect a
F capacitor between C2+ and C2–.
C2 + (Pin 35): Capacitor C2 Positive Terminal. Connect a
F capacitor between C2+ and C2–.
C1– (Pin 37): Capacitor C1 Negative Terminal. Connect a
F capacitor between C1+ and C1–.
C1+ (Pin 38): Capacitor C1 Positive Terminal. Connect a
F capacitor between C1+ and C1–.