3819 Group
G n
G n-1
G n-2
G 1
FLD digit interrupt occurs
at the rising edge of each digit
FLD blanking interrupt occurs
at the falling edge of the last digit
Segment setting by software
q Timing Setting
The digit time (Tdisp) can be set with the FLDC mode register 2
(address 003716). The Tscan and digit/segment OFF time (Toff)
can be set with the FLDC mode register 1 (address 003616).
Note that flickering will occur if the repetition frequency (1/
(Tdisp ! number of digits + Tscan)) is an integral multiple of the
digit timing Tdisp.
q FLD Automatic Display Start
To perform FLD automatic display, set the following registers.
Port P0 segment/digit switch register
Port P2 digit/port switch register
Port P8 segment/port switch register
Port PA segment/port switch register
FLDC mode register 1
FLDC mode register 2
FLD data pointer
Automatic display mode is selected by writing “1” to the bit 0 of
the FLDC mode register 2 (address 003716), and the auto-
matic display is started by writing “1” to the bit 1.
During automatic display bit 1 of the FLDC mode register 2 al-
ways keeps “1”, automatic display can be interrupted by writing
“0” to the bit 1.
q Key-scan
If key-scan is performed with the segment during the key-scan
blanking period Tscan, take the following sequence:
1. Write “0” to the bit 0 (automatic display control bit) of the
FLDC mode register 2 (address 003716).
2. Set the port corresponding to the segment for key-scan to
the output port.
3. Perform the key-scan.
4. After the key-scan is performed, write “1” (automatic display
mode) to the bit 0 of FLDC mode register 2 (address
Note on performance of key-scan in the above 1 to 4 sequence.
1. Do not write “0” to the bit 1 of FLDC mode register 2 (ad-
dress 003716).
2. Do not write “1” to the port corresponding to the digit.
Fig. KA-7 FLDC timing