- Obsolete
Automatic backup and write protection for an external SRAM is provided through VOUT,
E1CON and E2CON pins. (Users are urged to ensure that voltage specifications, for both the
SUPERVISOR chip and external SRAM chosen, are similar). The SNAPHAT containing
the lithium energy source used to permanently power the real-time clock is also used to
retain RAM data in the absence of VCC power through the VOUT pin.
The chip enable outputs to RAM (E1CON and E2CON) are controlled during power transients
to prevent data corruption. The date is automatically adjusted for months with less than 31
days and corrects for leap years (valid until 2100). The internal watchdog timer provides
programmable alarm windows.
The nine clock bytes (Fh-9h and 1h) are not the actual clock counters, they are memory
locations consisting of BiPORT READ/WRITE memory cells within the static RAM array.
Clock circuitry updates the clock bytes with current information once per second. The
information can be accessed by the user in the same manner as any other location in the
static memory array.
Byte 8h is the clock control register. This byte controls user access to the clock information
and also stores the clock calibration setting. Byte 7h contains the watchdog timer setting.
The watchdog timer can generate either a reset or an interrupt, depending on the state of
the Watchdog Steering Bit (WDS). Bytes 6h-2h include bits that, when programmed, provide
for clock alarm functionality.
Alarms are activated when the register content matches the month, date, hours, minutes,
and seconds of the clock registers. Byte 1h contains century information. Byte 0h contains
additional flag information pertaining to the watchdog timer, alarm and battery status.
The M48T212V also has its own Power-Fail Detect circuit. This control circuitry constantly
monitors the supply voltage for an out of tolerance condition. When VCC is out of tolerance,
the circuit write protects the TIMEKEEPER register data and external SRAM, providing
data security in the midst of unpredictable system operation. As VCC falls below VSO, the
control circuitry automatically switches to the battery, maintaining data and clock operation
until valid power is restored.
Address decoding
The M48T212YV accommodates 4 address lines (A3-A0) which allow access to the sixteen
bytes of the TIMEKEEPER clock registers. All TIMEKEEPER registers reside in the
SUPERVISOR chip itself. All TIMEKEEPER registers are accessed by enabling E (Chip