Listing 1. MCU-to-MCU Duplicator Program
M68HC11 Bootstrap Mode, Rev. 1.1
Freescale Semiconductor
27 **************************************************
28 *
29 B600 7F103D BEGIN CLR INIT Moves Registers to $0000-3F
30 B603 8604 LDAA #$04 Pattern for DWOM off, no SPI
31 B605 9728 STAA SPCR Turns off DWOM in EVBU MCU
32 B607 8680 LDAA #RESET
33 B609 9704 STAA PORTB Release reset to target MCU
34 B60B 132E20FC WT4BRK BRCLR SCSR RDRF WT4BRK Loop till char received
35 B60F 86FF LDAA #$FF Leading char for bootload ...
36 B611 972F STAA SCDR to target MCU
37 B613 CEB675 LDX #BLPROG Point at program for target
38 B616 8D53 BLLOOP BSR SEND1 Bootload to target
39 B618 8CB67D CPX #ENDBPR Past end
40 B61B 26F9 BNE BLLOOP Continue till all sent
41 *****
42 * Delay for about 4 char times to allow boot related
43 * SCI communications to finish before clearing
44 * Rx related flags
45 B61D CE06A7 LDX #1703 # of 6 cyc loops
46 B620 09 DLYLP DEX [3]
47 B621 26FD BNE DLYLP [3] Total loop time = 6 cyc
48 B623 962E LDAA SCSR Read status (RDRF will be set)
49 B625 962F LDAA SCDR Read SCI data reg to clear RDRF
50 *****
51 * Now wait for character from target to indicate it's ready for
52 * data to be programmed into EPROM
54 B62B 962F LDAA SCDR Clear RDRF, don't need data
55 B62D CED000 LDX #EPSTRT Point at start of EPROM
56 * Handle turn-on of Vpp
57 B630 18CE523D WT4VPP LDY #21053 Delay counter (about 200ms)
58 B634 150402 BCLR PORTB RED Turn off RED LED
59 B637 960A DLYLP2 LDAA PORTE [3] Wait for Vpp to be ON
60 B639 2AF5 BPL WT4VPP [3] Vpp sense is on port E MSB
61 B63B 140402 BSET PORTB RED [6] Turn on RED LED
62 B63E 1809 DEY [4]
63 B640 26F5 BNE DLYLP2 [3] Total loop time = 19 cyc
64 * Vpp has been stable for 200ms
66 B642 18CED000 LDY #EPSTRT X=Tx pointer, Y=verify pointer
67 B646 8D23 BSR SEND1 Send first data to target
68 B648 8C0000 DATALP CPX #0 X points at $0000 after last
69 B64B 2702 BEQ VERF Skip send if no more
70 B64D 8D1C BSR SEND1 Send another data char
71 B64F 132E20FC VERF BRCLR SCSR RDRF VERF Wait for Rx ready
72 B653 962F LDAA SCDR Get char and clr RDRF
73 B655 18A100 CMPA 0,Y Does char verify
74 B658 2705 BEQ VERFOK Skip error if OK
75 B65A 150403 BCLR PORTB (RED+GREEN) Turn off LEDs
76 B65D 2007 BRA DUNPRG Done (programming failed)
77 B65F
78 B65F 1808 VERFOK INY Advance verify pointer
79 B661 26E5 BNE DATALP Continue till all done
80 B663
81 B663 140401 BSET PORTB GREEN Grn LED ON