PMICs for Multimedia Application Processors
in a 3.0mm x 2.5mm WLP
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Detailed Description
The MAX8893A/MAX8893B/MAX8893C highly integrat-
ed power-management ICs integrate a high-efficiency
500mA step-down DC-DC converter, five low-dropout
linear regulators, a load switch with ultra-low on-resis-
tance, a USB high-speed switch, and a 400kHz I2C
serial interface.
The step-down converter delivers over 500mA at I2C
programmable output levels from 0.8V to 2.4V. It uses a
proprietary hysteretic-PWM control scheme that switch-
es up to 4MHz, allowing a trade-off between efficiency
and tiny external components. The step-down converter
also features dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) control. Its
output voltage ramps up with the I2C-controlled ramp
rate from 1mV/Fs to 12mV/Fs.
Five low-dropout linear regulators feature low 45FVRMS
output noise (LDO1, LDO4, and LDO5) and very low
ground currents (LDO2 and LDO3).
The USB high-speed switch is a high ESD-protected
DPDT analog switch. It is ideal for USB 2.0 Hi-Speed
(480Mbps) switching applications and also meets USB
low- and full-speed requirements. The load switch fea-
tures ultra-low on-resistance and operates from 0.8V
to 2.4V input range. Its rise time is I2C programmable
to control the inrush current. The internal I2C interface
provides flexible control on regulator ON/OFF control,
output voltage setting, step-down dynamic voltage scal-
ing and ramp rate, and load switch timing.
Step-Down DC-DC Converter
Control Scheme
The MAX8893A/MAX8893B/MAX8893C step-down con-
verter is optimized for high-efficiency voltage conver-
sion over a wide load range, while maintaining excellent
transient response, minimizing external component size,
and output voltage ripple. The step-down converter also
features an optimized on-resistance internal MOSFET
switch and synchronous rectifier to maximize efficiency.
The IC utilizes a proprietary hysteretic-PWM control
scheme that switches with nearly fixed frequency up to
4MHz allowing for ultra-small external components. Its
output current is guaranteed up to 500mA.
When the step-down output voltage falls below the regu-
lation threshold, the error comparator begins a switching
cycle by turning on the high-side switch. This switch
remains on until the minimum on-time (tON) expires and
the output voltage is in regulation or the current-limit
threshold is exceeded. Once off, the high-side switch
remains off until the minimum off-time (tOFF) expires
and the output voltage again falls below the regulation
threshold. During the off period, the low-side synchro-
nous rectifier turns on and remains on until either the
high-side switch turns on again or the inductor current
reduces to the rectifier-off current threshold (ILXOFF =
30mA (typ)). The internal synchronous rectifier elimi-
nates the need for an external Schottky diode.
The step-down converter has the internal soft-start cir-
cuitry with a fixed ramp to eliminate input current spikes
when it is enabled.
Voltage Positioning Load Regulation
The step-down converter uses a unique feedback net-
work. By taking feedback from the LX node, the usual
phase lag due to the output capacitor is removed, mak-
ing the loop exceedingly stable and allowing the use of
very small ceramic output capacitors. This configuration
causes the output voltage to shift by the inductor series
resistance multiplied by the load current. This voltage-
positioning load regulation greatly reduces overshoot
during load transients, which effectively halves the
peak-to-peak output-voltage excursions compared to
traditional step-down converters.
Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS)
Control with Ramp Rate
The step-down output voltage has a variable ramp rate
that is set by the BUCKRAMP bits in the DVS RAMP
CONTROL register. This register controls the output-
voltage ramp rate during a positive voltage change (for
example, from 1.0V to 1.1V), and a negative voltage
change (for example, from 1.1V to 1.0V). Ramp rate
adjustment range is from 1mV/Fs to 12mV/Fs in the step
of 1mV/Fs.
After the step-down converter is in regulation, its output
voltage can dynamically ramp up at the rate set by the
BUCKRAMP bits for a positive voltage change. For a
negative voltage change, the decay rate of the output
voltage depends on the size of the external load: a small
load results in an output-voltage decay that is slower
than the specified ramp rate and LX sinks current from
the output capacitor to actively ramp down the output
voltage; a large load (greater than COUT x Ramp Rate)
results in an output-voltage decay with the specified
ramp rate.
When the step-down converter is disabled, the output
voltage decays to ground at a rate determined by the
output capacitance, internal discharge resistance, and
the external load.