MB90570A/570C Series
12. 8/10-bit A/D Converter
The 8/10-bit A/D converter has a function of converting analog voltage input to the analog input pins (input
voltage) to digital values (A/D conversion) and has the following features.
Minimum conversion time: 26.3
s (at machine clock of 16 MHz, including sampling time)
Minimum sampling time: 4
s/256 s (at machine clock of 16 MHz)
Compare time: 176/352 machine cycles per channel (176 machine cycles are used for a machine clock below
8 MHz.)
Conversion method: RC successive approximation method with a sample and hold circuit.
8-bit or 10-bit resolution
Analog input pins: Selectable from eight channels by software
Single conversion mode: Selects and converts one channel.
Scan conversion mode:Converts two or more successive channels. Up to eight channels can be programmed.
Continuous conversion mode: Repeatedly converts specified channels.
Stop conversion mode:Stops conversion after completing a conversion for one channel and wait for the next
activation (conversion can be started synchronously.)
Interrupt requests can be generated and the extended intelligent I/O service (EI2OS) can be started after the
end of A/D conversion. Furthermore, A/D conversion result data can be transferred to the memory, enabling
efficient continuous processing.
When interrupts are enabled, there is no loss of data even in continuous operations because the conversion
data protection function is in effect.
Starting factors for conversion: Selected from software activation, and external trigger (falling edge).