The System Basis Chip is an integrated circuit dedicated
to car body applications. It includes three main blocks :
- A dual voltage regulator
- Reset, watchdog, wake up inputs, cyclic wake up
- CAN low speed fault tolerant physical interface
Two low drop regulators and one switch to V
provided to supply the ECU microcontroller or peripherals,
with independent control and monitoring through SPI.
Voltage Regulator V1
V1 is a 5V, 3% low drop voltage regulator dedicated to the
microcontroller supply. It can deliver up to 100mA and is
totally protected against short to ground (current limitation)
and overtemperature. V1 is active in Normal request, Normal
and standby modes.
No forward parasitic diode exists from V1 to V
. This
means that, if V
voltage drops below V1, no high current
flowing from V1 to V
will discharge the capacitor connected
to V1. Its stored energy will only be used to supply the
microcontroller and gives time to save all relevant data.
Undervoltage Reset
V1 is monitored for undervoltage (power up, power down)
and a reset is provided at RSTB output for 1ms. This ensures
proper initialization of the microcontroller at power-on or after
supply is lost. On top of that, a flag is set in RSR register
readable via the SPI.
Overtemperature Protection
overtemperature. Two detection thresholds are provided. A
pre-warning threshold at 145°C and a shut-off threshold at
175°C. Once the first threshold is reached, a flag is set in the
OTSR register. A maskable interrupt can be sent to the
microcontroller. Once the second threshold is reached, a flag
is set in the OTSR register, a maskable interrupt is sent to the
microcontroller and V1 is switched off.
Once the junction temperature is back to the pre-warning
threshold, V1 regulator it will be automatically switched on.
Table 4. V1 Control
Note: current capability of V1, V2 and V3 depends upon
the thermal management. Over temperature shutdown might
be reached and lead to turn off of V1, V2 and V3 for output
current below their max current capability.
Voltage Regulator V2
V2 is a 5V low drop voltage regulator dedicated to
peripherals supply. It can deliver up to 200mA and is protected
Conditions For V1 On
NormalRequest mode
(at V1 power on)
Conditions For V1 Off
Sleep mode (via SPI)
Normal mode (via SPI)
Shut-off temperature
threshold reached
No V
power supply
(cold start)
Standby mode
(via SPI)
V1 below pre-warning
temperature threshold
During Reset
Emergency mode
against short to ground (current limitation) and overtemperature.
V2 is active in Normal mode.
Undervoltage Detection
V2 is monitored for undervoltage and a flag is set in the
VSSR register.
Overtemperature Protection
overtemperature. Two detection thresholds are provided. A
pre-warning threshold at 140°C and a shut-off threshold at
165°C. Once the first threshold is reached, a flag is set in the
OTSR register which is readable. A maskable interrupt can be
sent to microcontroller.
Once the second threshold is reached, a flag is set in the
OTSR register, V2 is switched off. It can only be switched on
again via the SPI.
Table 5. V2 Control
Switch V3
V3 is a 10
switch to V
, it can be used to supply
external contacts or relays. A great flexibility is given for the
different possible ways for its control. It is protected against
short to ground (current limitation).
Overtemperature Protection
V3 output transistor is monitored for overtemperature.
Once the threshold is reached, a flag is set in the VSSR
register, V3 is switched off. It will be automatically switched on
once the junction temperature is back to the pre-warning
Table 6. V3 Control
Supply and V
is the main power supply coming from the Battery
voltage after an external protection diode (for reverse battery).
Conditions For V2 On
Normal mode (via SPI) AND
V2 below shut off
temperature threshold
Conditions For V2 Off
Sleep mode, or standby
mode or NormalRequest or
emergency mode (via SPI)
Shut-off temp.
threshold reached
V1 disabled
(for any reason)
Conditions For V3 On
Conditions For V3 Off
Permanently in Normal
mode if configured via SPI
Permanently in Standby
mode if configured via SPI
In sleep mode, during
enable time of cyclic
sense if configured
Permanently in Normal
mode if configured
NormalRequest mode
Permanently in Standby
mode if configured
Permanently in sleep
mode if configured
In sleep mode, during
disable time of cyclic
sense if configured
Overtemp threshold reached
V1 disabled (for any reason)
V2 over temperature shutdown
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
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