Data Sheet
MC68HC08AS32A — Rev. 1.1
Freescale Semiconductor Circuits
The PLL consists of these circuits:
Voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO)
Modulo VCO frequency divider
Phase detector
Loop filter
Lock detector
The operating range of the VCO is programmable for a wide range of frequencies
and for maximum immunity to external noise, including supply and CGMXFC noise.
(For maximum immunity guidelines on electromagnetic compatibility, refer to
document numbers AN1050/D and AN1263/D available from your Freescale sales
office.) The VCO frequency is bound to a range from roughly one-half to twice the
center-of-range frequency, f
VRS. Modulating the voltage on the CGMXFC pin
changes the frequency within this range. By design, f
VRS is equal to the nominal
center-of-range frequency, f
NOM, 4.9152 MHz times a linear factor (L) or fNOM.
CGMRCLK is the PLL reference clock, a buffered version of CGMXCLK.
CGMRCLK runs at a crystal frequency, f
RCLK, and is fed to the PLL through a buffer.
The buffer output is the final reference clock, CGMRDV, running at a frequency
equal to f
The VCO’s output clock, CGMVCLK, running at a frequency, f
VCLK, is fed back
through a programmable modulo divider. The modulo divider reduces the VCO
the VCO feedback clock, CGMVDV, running at a frequency equal to f
The phase detector then compares the VCO feedback clock (CGMVDV) with the
final reference clock (CGMRDV). A correction pulse is generated based on the
phase difference between the two signals. The loop filter then slightly alters the dc
voltage on the external capacitor connected to CGMXFC, based on the width and
direction of the correction pulse. The filter can make fast or slow corrections,
The value of the external capacitor and the reference frequency determines the
speed of the corrections and the stability of the PLL.
The lock detector compares the frequencies of the VCO feedback clock, CGMVDV,
and the final reference clock, CGMRDV. Therefore, the speed of the lock detector
is directly proportional to the final reference frequency, f
RD. The circuit determines
the mode of the PLL and the lock condition based on this comparison.