Input/Output Signals
MC68HC08GR32A MC68HC08GR16A Data Sheet, Rev. 0
Freescale Semiconductor
To protect status bits during the break state, write a 0 to the BCFE bit. With BCFE at 0 (its default state),
software can read and write I/O registers during the break state without affecting status bits. Some status
bits have a two-step read/write clearing procedure. If software does the first step on such a bit before the
break, the bit cannot change during the break state as long as BCFE is at 0. After the break, doing the
second step clears the status bit.
17.8 Input/Output Signals
Port D shares two of its pins with the TIM1. The two TIM1 channel I/O pins are PTD4/T1CH0 and
Each channel I/O pin is programmable independently as an input capture pin or an output compare pin.
PTD4/T1CH0 can be configured as a buffered output compare or buffered PWM pin.
17.9 Input/Output Registers
The following I/O registers control and monitor operation of the TIM:
TIM1 status and control register (T1SC)
TIM1 counter registers (T1CNTH:T1CNTL)
TIM1 counter modulo registers (T1MODH:T1MODL)
TIM1 channel status and control registers (T1SC0 and T1SC1)
TIM1 channel registers (T1CH0H:T1CH0L and T1CH1H:T1CH1L)
17.9.1 TIM1 Status and Control Register
The TIM1 status and control register (T1SC) does the following:
Enables TIM1 overflow interrupts
Flags TIM1 overflows
Stops the TIM1 counter
Resets the TIM1 counter
Prescales the TIM1 counter clock
TOF — TIM1 Overflow Flag Bit
This read/write flag is set when the TIM1 counter reaches the modulo value programmed in the TIM1
counter modulo registers. Clear TOF by reading the TIM1 status and control register when TOF is set
and then writing a 0 to TOF. If another TIM1 overflow occurs before the clearing sequence is complete,
then writing 0 to TOF has no effect. Therefore, a TOF interrupt request cannot be lost due to
inadvertent clearing of TOF. Reset clears the TOF bit. Writing a 1 to TOF has no effect.
1 = TIM1 counter has reached modulo value
0 = TIM1 counter has not reached modulo value
Address: $0020
Bit 7
Bit 0
= Unimplemented
Figure 17-5. TIM1 Status and Control Register (T1SC)