Chapter 10 Freescale’s Scalable Controller Area Network (S12MSCANV3)
MC9S12XDP512 Data Sheet, Rev. 2.21
Freescale Semiconductor
If the bus clock is generated from a PLL, it is recommended to select the oscillator clock rather than the
bus clock due to jitter considerations, especially at the faster CAN bus rates.
For microcontrollers without a clock and reset generator (CRG), CANCLK is driven from the crystal
oscillator (oscillator clock).
A programmable prescaler generates the time quanta (Tq) clock from CANCLK. A time quantum is the
atomic unit of time handled by the MSCAN.
Eqn. 10-2
A bit time is subdivided into three segments as described in the Bosch CAN specication. (see
SYNC_SEG: This segment has a xed length of one time quantum. Signal edges are expected to
happen within this section.
Time Segment 1: This segment includes the PROP_SEG and the PHASE_SEG1 of the CAN
standard. It can be programmed by setting the parameter TSEG1 to consist of 4 to 16 time quanta.
Time Segment 2: This segment represents the PHASE_SEG2 of the CAN standard. It can be
programmed by setting the TSEG2 parameter to be 2 to 8 time quanta long.
Eqn. 10-3
Figure 10-44. Segments within the Bit Time
Prescaler value
Bit Rate
number of Time Quanta
Time Segment 1
Time Segment 2
4 ... 16
2 ... 8
8 ... 25 Time Quanta
= 1 Bit Time
NRZ Signal
Sample Point
(single or triple sampling)
Transmit Point