Chapter 5. Debug Support
Programming Model
5.4.5 Data Breakpoint/Mask Registers (DBR, DBMR)
The data breakpoint register (DBR),
Figure 5-8, specify data patterns used as part of the
trigger into debug mode. DBR bits are masked by setting corresponding DBMR bits, as
dened in TDR.
Force emulation mode. If EMU = 1, the processor begins executing in emulator mode. See
Debug data control. Controls operand data capture for DDATA, which displays the number of bytes
dened by the operand reference size before the actual data; byte displays 8 bits, word displays 16
bits, and long displays 32 bits (one nibble at a time across multiple clock cycles). See
Table 5-2.00 No operand data is displayed.
01 Capture all write data.
10 Capture all read data.
11 Capture all read and write data.
User halt enable. Selects the CPU privilege level required to execute the HALT instruction.
0 HALT is a supervisor-only instruction.
1 HALT is a supervisor/user instruction.
Branch target bytes. Denes the number of bytes of branch target address DDATA displays.
00 0 bytes
01 Lower 2 bytes of the target address
10 Lower 3 bytes of the target address
11 Entire 4-byte target address
Reserved, should be cleared.
Non- mode. Determines whether the core operates in pipelined or mode or not.
0 Pipelined mode
1 Nonpipelined mode. The processor effectively executes one instruction at a time with no overlap.
This adds at least 5 cycles to the execution time of each instruction. Given an average execution
latency of 1.6, throughput in non-pipeline mode would be 6.6, approximately 25% or less of
pipelined performance.
Regardless of the NPL state, a triggered PC breakpoint is always reported before the triggering
instruction executes. In normal pipeline operation, the occurrence of an address and/or data
breakpoint trigger is imprecise. In non-pipeline mode, triggers are always reported before the next
instruction begins execution and trigger reporting can be considered precise.
An address or data breakpoint should always occur before the next instruction begins execution.
Therefore the occurrence of the address/data breakpoints should be guaranteed.
Ignore pending interrupts.
1 Core ignores any pending interrupt requests signalled while in single-instruction-step mode.
0 Core services any pending interrupt requests that were signalled while in single-step mode.
Single-step mode. Setting SSM puts the processor in single-step mode.
0 Normal mode.
1 Single-step mode. The processor halts after execution of each instruction. While halted, any
BDM command can be executed. On receipt of the GO command, the processor executes the
next instruction and halts again. This process continues until SSM is cleared.
Reserved, should be cleared.
Table 5-8. CSR Field Descriptions (Continued)