Preliminary Information
(1) Filter coefficients are frozen (adaptation disabled)
(2) The adaptive filter coefficients are reset to zero
(3) The MT9123 cancels echo
Table 2 - Functional States Control Pins
Controller Mode
The echo canceller functions are selected in Control
Register 1 and Control Register 2 through four
control bits: MuteS, MuteR, Bypass and AdaptDis.
See Register Summary for details.
MT9123 Throughput Delay
The throughput delay of the MT9123 varies
according to the data path and the device
configuration. For all device configurations, except
for Bypass state, Rin to Rout has a delay of two
frames and Sin to Sout has a delay of three frames.
In Bypass state, the Rin to Rout and Sin to Sout
paths have a delay of two frames. In ST-BUS
operation, the D and C channels have a delay of
one frame.
Power Down
Forcing the PWRDN pin to logic low, will put the
MT9123 into a power down state. In this state all
internal clocks are halted, the DATA1, Sout and Rout
pins are tristated and the F0od pin output high.
The device will automatically begin the execution of
its initialization routines when the PWRDN pin is
returned to logic high and a clock is applied to the
MCLK pin. The initialization routines execute for one
frame and will set the MT9123 to default register
Device Configuration
The MT9123 architecture contains two individually
controlled echo cancellers (Echo Canceller A and B).
They can be set in three distinct configurations:
Normal, Back-to-Back, and Extended Delay. See
Figure 3.
Normal Configuration:
In this configuration, the two echo cancellers (Echo
Canceller A and B) are positioned in parallel, as
shown in Figure 3a, providing 64 milliseconds of
echo cancellation in two channels simultaneously.
In SSI operation, both channels are available in
different timeslots on the same TDM (Time Division
Multiplexing) bus. For Echo Canceller A, the ENA1
enable strobe pin defines the Rin/Sout (PORT1) time
slot while the ENA2 enable strobe pin defines the
Sin/Rout (PORT2) time slot. The ENB1 and ENB2
enable strobes perform the same function for Echo
Canceller B.
In ST-BUS operation, the ENA1, ENA2, ENB1 and
ENB2 pins are used to determine the PCM data
format and the channel locations. See Table 4.
Back-to-Back Configuration:
In this configuration, the two echo cancellers are
positioned to cancel echo coming from both
directions in a single channel providing full duplex 64
millisecond echo-cancellation. See Figure 3c. This
configuration uses only one timeslot on PORT1 and
PORT2, allowing a no-glue interface for applications
where bidirectional echo cancellation is required.
In SSI operation, ENA1 and ENA2 enable pins are
used to strobe data on Rin/Sout and Sin/Rout
respectively. In ST-BUS operation, ENA1, ENA2,
ENB1 and ENB2 inputs are used to select the ST-
BUS mode according to Table 4.
Examples of Back-to-Back configuration include
positioning the MT9123 between a codec and a
transmission device or between two codecs for echo
control on analog trunks.
Extended Delay configuration:
In this configuration, the two echo cancellers are
internally cascaded into one 128 millisecond echo
canceller. See Figure 3b. In SSI operation, ENA1
and ENA2 enable pins are used to strobe data on
Rin/Sout and Sin/Rout respectively. In ST-BUS
operation, ENA1, ENA2, ENB1 and ENB2 inputs are
used to select the ST-BUS mode according to Table
Controllerless Mode
The three configurations can be selected through the
CONFIG1 and CONFIG2 pins as shown in the
following table.
Canceller A
Functional State
Canceller B
Disable Adaptation
Enable Adaptation