2011-2012 Microchip Technology Inc.
DS39995C-page 73
The oscillator start-up circuitry and its associated delay
timers are not linked to the device Reset delays that
occur at power-up. Some crystal circuits (especially
low-frequency crystals) will have a relatively long
start-up time. Therefore, one or more of the following
conditions is possible after SYSRST is released:
The oscillator circuit has not begun to oscillate.
The Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST) has not
expired (if a crystal oscillator is used).
The PLL has not achieved a lock (if PLL is used).
The device will not begin to execute code until a valid
clock source has been released to the system.
Therefore, the oscillator and PLL start-up delays must
be considered when the Reset delay time must be
If the FSCM is enabled, it will begin to monitor the
system clock source when SYSRST is released. If a
valid clock source is not available at this time, the
device will automatically switch to the FRC Oscillator
and the user can switch to the desired crystal oscillator
in the Trap Service Routine (TSR).
Special Function Register Reset
Most of the Special Function Registers (SFRs)
associated with the PIC24F CPU and peripherals are
reset to a particular value at a device Reset. The SFRs
are grouped by their peripheral or CPU function and their
Reset values are specified in each section of this manual.
The Reset value for each SFR does not depend on the
type of Reset with the exception of four registers. The
Reset value for the Reset Control register, RCON, will
depend on the type of device Reset. The Reset value for
the Oscillator Control register, OSCCON, will depend on
the type of Reset and the programmed values of the
FNOSCx bits in the Flash Configuration Word
NVMCON registers are only affected by a POR.
Deep Sleep BOR (DSBOR)
Deep Sleep BOR is a very low-power BOR circuitry,
used when the device is in Deep Sleep mode. Due to
low current consumption, accuracy may vary.
The DSBOR trip point is around 2.0V. DSBOR is
enabled by configuring DSLPBOR (FDS<6>) = 1.
DSLPBOR will re-arm the POR to ensure the device will
reset if VDD drops below the POR threshold.
Brown-out Reset (BOR)
The PIC24FV32KA304 family devices implement a
BOR circuit, which provides the user several
configuration and power-saving options. The BOR is
controlled by the BORV<1:0> and BOREN<1:0>
Configuration bits (FPOR<6:5,1:0>). There are a total
of four BOR configurations, which are provided in
The BOR threshold is set by the BORV<1:0> bits. If
BOR is enabled (any values of BOREN<1:0>, except
‘00’), any drop of VDD below the set threshold point will
reset the device. The chip will remain in BOR until VDD
rises above the threshold.
If the Power-up Timer is enabled, it will be invoked after
VDD rises above the threshold. Then, it will keep the chip
in Reset for an additional time delay, TPWRT, if VDD
drops below the threshold while the Power-up Timer is
running. The chip goes back into a BOR and the
Power-up Timer will be initialized. Once VDD rises above
the threshold, the Power-up Timer will execute the
additional time delay.
BOR and the Power-up Timer (PWRT) are indepen-
dently configured. Enabling the Brown-out Reset does
not automatically enable the PWRT.
When BOREN<1:0> = 01, the BOR can be enabled or
disabled by the user in software. This is done with the
control bit, SBOREN (RCON<13>). Setting SBOREN
enables the BOR to function as previously described.
Clearing the SBOREN disables the BOR entirely. The
SBOREN bit operates only in this mode; otherwise, it is
read as ‘0’.
Placing BOR under software control gives the user the
additional flexibility of tailoring the application to its
environment without having to reprogram the device to
change the BOR configuration. It also allows the user
to tailor the incremental current that the BOR
consumes. While the BOR current is typically very
small, it may have some impact in low-power
Even when the BOR is under software con-
trol, the Brown-out Reset voltage level is
still set by the BORV<1:0> Configuration
bits; it can not be changed in software.