DS30412B-page 32
1996 Microchip Technology Inc.
Data Memory Organization
Data memory is partitioned into two areas. The first is
the General Purpose Registers (GPR) area, while the
second is the Special Function Registers (SFR) area.
The SFRs control the operation of the device.
Portions of data memory are banked, this is for both
areas. The GPR area is banked to allow greater than
232 bytes of general purpose RAM. SFRs are for the
registers that control the peripheral functions. Banking
requires the use of control bits for bank selection.
These control bits are located in the Bank Select Reg-
ister (BSR). If an access is made to a location outside
this banked region, the BSR bits are ignored.
Figure 6-5 shows the data memory map organization
for the PIC17C42 and Figure 6-6 for all of the other
PIC17C4X devices.
move values from the peripheral area (“P”) to any loca-
tion in the register file (“F”), and vice-versa. The defini-
tion of the “P” range is from 0h to 1Fh, while the “F”
range is 0h to FFh. The “P” range has six more loca-
tions than peripheral registers (eight locations for the
PIC17C42 device) which can be used as General Pur-
pose Registers. This can be useful in some applications
where variables need to be copied to other locations in
the general purpose RAM (such as saving status infor-
mation during an interrupt).
The entire data memory can be accessed either directly
or indirectly through file select registers FSR0 and
FSR1 (Section 6.4). Indirect addressing uses the
appropriate control bits of the BSR for accesses into the
banked areas of data memory. The BSR is explained in
greater detail in Section 6.8.
provide the means to
All devices have some amount of GPR area. The GPRs
are 8-bits wide. When the GPR area is greater than
232, it must be banked to allow access to the additional
memory space.
Only the PIC17C43 and PIC17C44 devices have
banked memory in the GPR area. To facilitate switching
between these banks, the
MOVLR bank
been added to the instruction set. GPRs are not initial-
ized by a Power-on Reset and are unchanged on all
other resets.
instruction has
The SFRs are used by the CPU and peripheral func-
tions to control the operation of the device (Figure 6-5
and Figure 6-6). These registers are static RAM.
The SFRs can be classified into two sets, those associ-
ated with the “core” function and those related to the
peripheral functions. Those registers related to the
“core” are described here, while those related to a
peripheral feature are described in the section for each
peripheral feature.
The peripheral registers are in the banked portion of
memory, while the core registers are in the unbanked
region. To facilitate switching between the peripheral
banks, the
MOVLB bank
instruction has been provided.