PM7380 FREEDM-32P672
rate. In the event where multiple streams have accumulated a byte of data,
multiplexing is performed on a fixed priority basis with link #0 having the highest
priority and link #31 the lowest.
From the point of view of the RCAS672, links configured for H-MVIP traffic
behave identically to links configured for T1/J1/E1 channelised or unchannelised
traffic in the back end, only differing on the link side as described herein. First,
the number of time-slots in each frame is programmable to be 32 or 128 and has
an associated data clock frequency that is double the data rate. This provides
more bandwidth per link for applications requiring higher data densities on a
single link. Second, H-MVIP links reference the start of each frame with a frame
pulse, thereby avoiding having to gap the link clock during the framing bits/bytes
of each frame. The frame pulse is provided by an H-MVIP bus master and
ensures that all agents sharing the H-MVIP bus remain synchronized. When
configured for operation in 2.048 Mbps mode, the frame pulse is sampled using
the same clock which samples the data. When configured for operation in 8.192
Mbps H-MVIP mode, the frame pulse is sampled using a separate frame pulse
clock provided by an H-MVIP bus master. The frame pulse clock has a
synchronous timing relationship to the data clock. Third, not all links are
independent. When configured for operation in 2.048 Mbps H-MVIP mode, each
group of 8 links share a clock and a frame pulse. Links 0 through 7, 8 through
15, 16 through 23 and 24 through 31 each share a clock and a frame pulse. Not
all 8 links within each group need to be configured for operation in 2.048 Mbps
H-MVIP mode. However, any link within each logical group of 8 which is
configured for 2.048 Mbps H-MVIP operation will share the same clock and
frame pulse. When configured for operation in 8.192 Mbps H-MVIP mode, links
4m (0 m 7) share a frame pulse, a data clock and a frame pulse clock. Again,
not all eight 4m (0 m 7) links need to be configured for operation in 8.192 Mbps
H-MVIP mode, however, any link which is configured for 8.192 Mbps H-MVIP
operation will share the same frame pulse, data clock and frame pulse clock. If
link 4m is configured for 8.192 Mbps H-MVIP operation, then data transferred on
that link is “spread” over links 4m, 4m+1, 4m+2 and 4m+3 from a channel
assigner point of view. Accordingly, when link 4m is configured for operation in
8.192 Mbps H-MVIP mode, links 4m+1, 4m+2 and 4m+3 must also be
configured for operation in 8.192 Mbps H-MVIP mode. In the back end, the
RCAS672 extracts and processes the time-slots in the same way as channelised
T1/J1/E1 traffic.
Links containing a T1/J1 or an E1 stream may be channelised. Data at each
time-slot may be independently assigned to a different channel. The RCAS672
performs a table lookup to associate the link and time-slot identity with a
channel. T1/J1 and E1 framing bits/bytes are identified by observing the gap in
the link clock which is squelched during the framing bits/bytes. For
unchannelised links, clock rates are limited to 51.84 MHz for links #0 to #2 and
limited to 10 MHz for the remaining links. All data on each link belongs to one