SAB 82532/SAF 82532
Semiconductor Group
The Enhanced Serial Communication Controller ESCC2 (SAB 82532/SAF 82532) is a
multiprotocol data communication controller with two symmetrical serial channels. It has
been designed to implement high-speed communication links and to reduce hardware
and software overhead needed for serial synchronous/asynchronous communications.
Each channel contains an independent clock generator, DPLL, encoder/decoder and
programmable protocol hardware. Data communication with asynchronous,
synchronous character oriented, and HDLC based protocols with extended support of
X.25 LAPB, the ISDN LAPD, and SDLC protocols is implemented. Like the SAB 82525
(HSCX) which is a functional subset of the ESCC2, the ESCC2 is capable of handling a
large set of layer-2 protocol functions independently of the host processor.
The version 82532N-10 of the Enhanced Serial Communication Controller (ESCC2)
opens a wide area for applications which use time division multiplex methods (e.g.
time-slot oriented PCM systems, systems designed for packet switching, ISDN
applications) by its programmable telecom-specific features. In this special operating
mode (clock mode 5), which is applicable to all serial modes (HDLC/SDLC, ASYNC,
BISYNC), the ESCC2 can transmit or receive data packets in one of up to 64 time-slots
of programmable width.
The device is controlled via a parallel 16-bit wide interface which is directly compatible
with the most popular 8/16 bit microprocessors (Siemens/Intel or Motorola type). The
internal FIFOs (64 bytes per direction and channel) with additional DMA capability
provide a powerful interface to the higher layers implemented in a microcontroller. For
interrupt controlled systems, the ESCC2 supports daisy chaining and interrupt vector
The ESCC2 is fabricated using SIEMENS advanced CMOS technology and is available
in a P-LCC-68 and a P-MQFP-80 package.
Universal, multiprotocol communication board for Workstation- and PC-boards
Terminal controllers
Computer peripherals
Time slotted packet networks
Multimaster communication networks