March 3, 2009 S29CD-G_00_B1
S29CD-G Flash Family
Da ta
Shee t
(Prelim i nar y )
A read operation from the erase-suspended bank returns polling data during the first 8 s after the erase
suspend command is issued; read operations thereafter return array data. Read operations from the other
bank return array data with no latency.
A program operation while in the erase suspend mode is the same as programming in the regular program
mode, except that the data must be programmed to a sector that is not erase suspended. Write operation
status is obtained in the same manner as a normal program operation.
15.12 Sector Erase and Program Resume Command
The Sector Erase and Program Resume command (30h) resumes a Sector Erase or Program operation that
was suspended. Any further writes of the Sector Erase and Program Resume command ignored. However,
another Sector Erase and Program Suspend command can be written after the device resumes sector erase
operations. Note that until a suspended program or erase operation resumes, the contents of that sector are
The Sector Erase and Program Resume Command is ignored if the Secured Silicon sector is enabled.
15.13 Configuration Register Read Command
The Configuration Register Read command is used to verify the contents of the Configuration Register.
Execution of this command is only allowed while in user mode and is not available during Unlock Bypass
mode or during Security mode. The Configuration Register Read command is preceded by the standard two-
cycle unlock sequence, followed by the Configuration Register Read command (C6h), and finally followed by
performing a read operation to the bank address specified when the C6h command was written. Reading the
other bank results in reading the flash memory contents. The contents of the Configuration Register are place
on DQ15–DQ0. Contents of DQ31–DQ16 are XXXXh and should be ignored. The user should execute the
Read/Reset command to place the device back in standard user operation after executing the Configuration
Register Read command.
The Configuration Register Read Command is fully operational if the Secured Silicon sector is enabled.
15.14 Configuration Register Write Command
The Configuration Register Write command is used to modify the contents of the Configuration Register.
Execution of this command is only allowed while in user mode and is not available during Unlock Bypass
mode or during Security mode. The Configuration Register Write command is preceded by the standard two-
cycle unlock sequence, followed by the Configuration Register Write command (D0h), and finally followed by
writing the contents of the Configuration Register to any address. The contents of the Configuration Register
are placed on DQ31–DQ0. The contents of DQ31–DQ16 are XXXXh and are ignored. Writing the
Configuration Register while an Embedded Algorithm or Erase Suspend modes are executing results in the
contents of the Configuration Register not being updated.
The Configuration Register Read Command is fully operational if the Secured Silicon sector is enabled.
15.15 Common Flash Interface (CFI) Command
The Common Flash Interface (CFI) command provides device size, geometry, and capability information
directly to the users system. Flash devices that support CFI, have a Query Command that returns information
about the device to the system. The Query structure contents are read at the specific address locations
following a single system write cycle where:
A 98h query command code is written to 55h address location within the device’s address space
The device is initially in any valid read state, such as Read Array or Read ID Data
Other device statistics may exist within a long sequence of commands or data input; such sequences must
first be completed or terminated before writing of the 98H Query command, otherwise invalid Query data
structure output may result.
Note that for data bus bits greater than DQ7 (DQ31–DQ8), the valid Query access code contains all zeroes
(0s) in the upper DQ bus locations. Thus, the 16-bit Query command code is 0098h and the 32-bit Query
command code is 00000098h.