Philips Semiconductors
Objective specification
2000 Feb 10
Programmable Counters, Timers and Baud Rate generators
PBRGPU – Programmable BRG Timer Reload Registers, Upper 0 and 1
Bits 7:0
8 MSBs of the BRG Timer divisor.
This is the upper byte of the 16–bit value used by the BRG timer in generating a baud rate clock
PBRGPL – Programmable BRG Timer Reload Registers, Lower 0 and 1
Bits 7:0
8 LSB of the BRG Timer divisor.
This is the lower byte of the 16–bit value used by the BRG timer in generating a baud rate clock.
CTCS 0 and 1 – Counter Timer clock source
: Writing to this register removes the control established in the counter/timer portion of the ACR in the default register map
Bit 7:6
Bit 5:4
Mode control
00 – Selects Counter Mode. Generates
a timing edge
Bit 3:0
Clock selection
0000 External I/O2 A (for CT 0), I/O7 A (for CT 1)
0001 External I/O2 A/16 (for CT 0), I/O7 A/16 (for CT 1)
0010 Sclk
0011 Sclk / 2
0100 Sclk / 16
0101 Sclk / 32
0110 Sclk / 64
0111 Sclk / 128
1010, 1011 Reserved
1100 Rx Character Count (Ch A) Clock is RxFIFO A load pulse
1101 Rx Character Count (Ch B) Clock is RxFIFO B load pulse
1110, 1111 Reserved
01 – Selects Timer Mode. Generates a
square wave
10 – Reserved
11 – Selects Timer Pulse Mode.
Generates periodic pulses twice the
frequency as in Timer Mode. Pulse width
is one cycle of the clock as it is delivered to
the C/T. (i.e. after any prescale)
CTVU – Counter Timer Value Registers, Upper 0 and 1
Bits 7:0
8 MSBs of the Counter timer preset value
Reading this register gives the value of the upper 8 bits of the counter timer
CTVL – Counter timer Value Registers, Lower 0 and 1
Bits 7:0
8 LSB of the Counter timer preset value
Reading this register gives the value of the upper 8 bits of the
counter timer
: The counter timer should be stopped before reading. Usually
the clock of the counter timer is not synchronized with the read of
the C/T. It is therefore possible to capture changing data during the
read. Depending on the clock speed with respect to the read cycle
this could be made worse or completely eliminated. If the Stop
counter command is issued and following that the C/T is read there
will be no uncertainty go its value. If it is necessary to read the C/T
“on the fly” then reading it twice and comparing the values will
correct the problem. The double read will not be effective if the
counter timer clock is faster than a read cycle.
PBRGCS – Programmable BRG Clock Source
Bit 7
PBRG 1, Register control
0 = Resets PBRG 1 and
holds it stopped
Bit 6:4
PBRG 1, Clock selection
000 = Sclk
001 = Sclk / 2
010 = Sclk/ 16
011 = Sclk / 32
100 = Sclk / 64
101 = Sclk / 128
110 = I/O4 A
111 = Reserved
Bit 3
PBRG 0, Register control
0 = Resets PBRG 0 and
holds it stopped.
Bit 2:0
PBRG 0, Clock selection
000 = Sclk
001 = Sclk / 2
010 = Sclk / 16
011 = Sclk / 32
100 = Sclk / 64
101 = Sclk / 128
110 = I/O3 A
111 = Reserved
1 = Allows PBRG 1 to run.
1 = Allows PBRG 0 to run.
Start/Stop control and clock select register for the two BRG
counters. The clock selection is for the input to the counters. It is
that clock divided by the number represented by the PBRGPU and
PBRGPL the will be used as the 16x clock for the receivers and
transmitters. When the BRG timer Clock is selected for the
receiver(s) or transmitter(s) the receivers and transmitters will
consider it as a 16x clock and further device it by 16. In other words
the receivers and transmitters will always be in the 16x ode of
operation when the internal BRG timer is selected for their clock.