HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443
static RAM (SRAM):
els. The memory cell is a static latch that retains data as long as power is applied to the memory array. No refresh
is required. The type of periphery circuitry sub-categorizes static RAMs.
A read/write random-access device within which information is stored as latched voltage lev-
status register (ST):
interrupt-enable bits
A CPU register that monitors the operation of the instructions and contains the global-
symbolic debugging:
ging tool such as an XDS/22, a design kit, or a CDT370
The ability of a software tool to retain symbolic information so that it can be used by a debug-
symbol table:
the file
A portion of a COFF file that contains information about the symbols that are defined and used by
external oscillator frequency.
System Clock. This signal synchronizes external peripherals. It outputs one quarter of the crystal or
Timer 1 module contains a general-purpose timer and watchdog timer. Both timers allow program selection of
input-clock source (real time, external event, or pulse accumulate) with multiple registers (input capture and
compare) for special timer function control.
Timer 2A module is composed of a 16-bit resettable counter, 16-bit compare register with associated compare
logic, a 16-bit capture register, and a 16-bit register that functions as a capture register in one mode and as a
compare register in the other mode.
Timer 2B module is composed of a 16-bit resettable counter, 16-bit compare register with associated compare
logic, a 16-bit capture register, and a 16-bit register that functions as a capture register in one mode and as a
compare register in the other mode.
time slots:
command or definition requires one, two, or three time slots. The number of time slots available is a function of
the PACT prescaled clock and the frequency of access to the dual-port RAM by the CPU.
The internal cycles in which the PACT module can make a 32-bit access to the dual-port RAM. Each
unsigned integer:
A number system used to express positive integers
very-large-scale integration (VLSI):
large-scale integration (LSI) and involves a much higher equivalent gate count. At this time an exact definition
including a minimum gate count has not been standardized by JEDEC or the IEEE.
The description of an IC technology that is much more complex than
virtual timer:
incremented by the PACT prescaled clock and cleared upon reaching a maximum value that is set by this
An entry in the PACT command/definition area that creates an independent time base that is
volatile memory:
A memory in which the data content is lost when the power supply is disconnected