To avoid a bad visual impression, it is important
that the GE bit is set before the end ofthe flyback
time when changingcharacters.This can be done
inside the VSYNCinterrupt routine. The following
diagram can explain better:
A - Picture time:20 mSin PAL/SECAM.
B -VSYNC interrupt, ifenabled.
C - Starting ofOSD oscillator, ifGE = 1.
D - Flyback time.
When modifying the picture display (i.e.: a bar
graph foran analog control),it is important that the
switching on of the GE bit is done before the the
end of the flyback time (D in Figure 66). If the GE
bit is set after the end of the flyback time then the
OSD will not start until the begining of the next
frame. This results in one framebeing lost and will
result in a Flicker on the screen. One method to be
sure toavoid the flickeris to waitfor theVSYNCin-
terrupt at the startof the flyback;once the VSYNC
interrupt is detected,then the GEbit can be set to
zero, the characters changed, and the GE set to
one. Allthis should occur beforethe end of the fly-
back time in order not to lose a frame. The correct
edge ofthe interrupt must be chosen.
The VSYNC pin may alternatively be sampled by
software in order to know the status; this can be
done by reading bit 4 of register E4h; this bit is in-
verted with respect to theVSYNC pin.
- An OSD end of line Bar is present in the
ST63P9x piggyback and ST639x ROM, EPROM
and OTP devices when using the background
mode. Ifthisbar ispresentwithsoftwarerunning in
the piggybacksthen it is also present on the ROM
mask version. If the end of line bar is seen to be
eliminated by software in the piggyback,then it is
also beeliminated in theROM mask version.
The bar appears at the end of the line in the back-
ground mode when the last character is a space
character, thefirst format character is defined with
S=0 (size 0)and the backround is not displayed
during the space.The baris the colour of theback-
ground defined by the space character. To elimi-
nate the bar:
If two backgrounds are used then the bar
should be movedoff the screen byusing large
word spaces instead of character spaces. If
there arenotenoughspaces beforetheend of
the line, then the location of the valid charac-
ters should be moved so they appear at the
end of the line (and hence no bar);positioning
can be compensated using the horizontalstart
If only one background is used, thenthe other
background should be transparent in order to
eliminate the bar.
- The OSD oscillator external network should
consist ofa capacitoron eachof the OSDoscillator
pins to ground together with an inductance be-
tween pins.The user should select thetwo capaci-
tors to be the same value (15pF to 25pF each is
recommended).The inductance is chosen to give
the desired OSD oscillatorfrequency for the appli-
cation (typically 56
Figure66. OSDOscillatorON/OFFTiming