Flash program memory
ST72344xx, ST72345xx
In-circuit programming (ICP)
ICP uses a protocol called ICC (in-circuit communication) which allows an ST7 plugged on a
printed circuit board (PCB) to communicate with an external programming device connected
via cable. ICP is performed in three steps:
Switch the ST7 to ICC mode (in-circuit communications). This is done by driving a specific
signal sequence on the ICCCLK/DATA pins while the RESET pin is pulled low. When the
ST7 enters ICC mode, it fetches a specific reset vector which points to the ST7 System
Memory containing the ICC protocol routine. This routine enables the ST7 to receive bytes
from the ICC interface.
Download ICP Driver code in RAM from the ICCDATA pin
Execute ICP Driver code in RAM to program the Flash memory
Depending on the ICP Driver code downloaded in RAM, Flash memory programming can
be fully customized (number of bytes to program, program locations, or selection of the
serial communication interface for downloading).
In-application programming (IAP)
This mode uses an IAP Driver program previously programmed in Sector 0 by the user (in
ICP mode).
This mode is fully controlled by user software. This allows it to be adapted to the user
application, (user-defined strategy for entering programming mode, choice of
communications protocol used to fetch the data to be stored etc.)
IAP mode can be used to program any memory areas except Sector 0, which is write/erase
protected to allow recovery in case errors occur during the programming operation.
ICC interface
ICP needs a minimum of 4 and up to 7 pins to be connected to the programming tool. These
pins are:
RESET: device reset
VSS: device power supply ground
ICCCLK: ICC output serial clock pin
ICCDATA: ICC input serial data pin
ICCSEL: ICC selection
OSC1: main clock input for external source (not required on devices without
OSC1/OSC2 pins)
VDD: application board power supply (optional, see Note 3)
If the ICCCLK or ICCDATA pins are only used as outputs in the application, no signal
isolation is necessary. As soon as the Programming Tool is plugged to the board, even if an
ICC session is not in progress, the ICCCLK and ICCDATA pins are not available for the
application. If they are used as inputs by the application, isolation such as a serial resistor
has to be implemented in case another device forces the signal. Refer to the Programming
Tool documentation for recommended resistor values.
During the ICP session, the programming tool must control the RESET pin. This can lead to
conflicts between the programming tool and the application reset circuit if it drives more than
5 mA at high level (push pull output or pull-up resistor<1K). A schottky diode can be used to