Bit 1 = M/SL
This bit is set by hardware as soon as the interface
is in Master mode (writing START=1). It is cleared
by hardware after detecting a Stop condition on
the bus or a loss of arbitration (ARLO=1). It is also
cleared when the interface is disabled (PE=0).
0: Slave mode
1: Master mode
Bit 0 = SB
Start bit (Master mode).
This bit is set by hardware as soon as the Start
START=1). An interrupt is generated if ITE=1. It is
cleared by software reading SR1 register followed
by writing the address byte in DR register. It is also
cleared by hardware when the interface is disa-
bled (PE=0).
0: No Start condition
1: Start condition generated
Read Only
Reset Value: 0000 0000 (00h)
Bit 7:5 = Reserved. Forced to 0 by hardware.
Bit 4 = AF
Acknowledge failure.
This bit is set by hardware when no acknowledge
is returned. An interrupt is generated if ITE=1. It is
cleared by software reading SR2 register or by
hardware when the interface is disabled (PE=0).
The SCL line is not held low while AF=1.
0: No acknowledge failure
1: Acknowledge failure
Bit 3 = STOPF
Stop detection (Slave mode).
This bit is set by hardware when a Stop condition
is detected on the bus after an acknowledge (if
ACK=1). An interrupt is generated if ITE=1. It is
cleared by software reading SR2 register or by
hardware when the interface is disabled (PE=0).
The SCL line is not held low while STOPF=1.
0: No Stop condition detected
1: Stop condition detected
Bit 2 = ARLO
Arbitration lost.
This bit is set by hardware when the interface los-
es the arbitration of the bus to another master. An
interrupt is generated if ITE=1. It is cleared by soft-
ware reading SR2 register or by hardware when
the interface is disabled (PE=0).
After an ARLO event the interface switches back
automatically to Slave mode (M/SL=0).
The SCL line is not held low while ARLO=1.
0: No arbitration lost detected
1: Arbitration lost detected
Bit 1 = BERR
Bus error.
This bit is set by hardware when the interface de-
tects a misplaced Start or Stop condition. An inter-
rupt is generated if ITE=1. It is cleared by software
reading SR2 register or by hardware when the in-
terface is disabled (PE=0).
The SCL line is not held low while BERR=1.
0: No misplaced Start or Stop condition
1: Misplaced Start or Stop condition
Bit 0 = GCAL
General Call (Slave mode).
This bit is set by hardware when a general call ad-
dress is detected on the bus while ENGC=1. It is
cleared by hardware detecting a Stop condition
(STOPF=1) or when the interface is disabled
0: No general call address detected on bus
1: general call address detected on bus