The ST92124-Auto/150-Auto/250-Auto microcon-
troller is developed and manufactured by STMicro-
electronics using a proprietary n-well HCMOS
process. Its performance derives from the use of a
flexible 256-register programming model for ultra-
fast context switching and real-time event re-
sponse. The intelligent on-chip peripherals offload
the ST9 core from I/O and data management
processing tasks allowing critical application tasks
to get the maximum use of core resources. The
new-generation ST9 MCU devices now also sup-
port low power consumption and low voltage oper-
ation for power-efficient and low-cost embedded
1.1.1 ST9+ Core
The advanced Core consists of the Central
Processing Unit (CPU), the Register File, the Inter-
rupt and DMA controller, and the Memory Man-
agement Unit. The MMU allows a single linear ad-
dress space of up to 4 Mbytes.
Four independent buses are controlled by the
Core: a 22-bit memory bus, an 8-bit register data
bus, an 8-bit register address bus and a 6-bit inter-
rupt/DMA bus which connects the interrupt and
DMA controllers in the on-chip peripherals with the
This multiple bus architecture makes the ST9 fam-
ily devices highly efficient for accessing on and off-
chip memory and fast exchange of data with the
on-chip peripherals.
The general-purpose registers can be used as ac-
cumulators, index registers, or address pointers.
Adjacent register pairs make up 16-bit registers for
addressing or 16-bit processing. Although the ST9
has an 8-bit ALU, the chip handles 16-bit opera-
tions, including arithmetic, loads/stores, and mem-
ory/register and memory/memory exchanges.
The powerful I/O capabilities demanded by micro-
ST92150-Auto/124-Auto with 48 (64-pin devices)
or 77 (100-pin devices) I/O lines dedicated to dig-
ital Input/Output and with 80 I/O lines by the
ST92250-Auto. These lines are grouped into up to
ten 8-bit I/O Ports and can be configured on a bit
basis under software control to provide timing, sta-
tus signals, an address/data bus for interfacing to
the external memory, timer inputs and outputs, an-
alog inputs, external interrupts and serial or paral-
lel I/O. Two memory spaces are available to sup-
port this wide range of configurations: a combined
Program/Data Memory Space and the internal
Register File, which includes the control and sta-
tus registers of the on-chip peripherals.
1.1.2 External Memory Interface
100-pin devices have a 22-bit external address
bus allowing them to address up to 4M bytes of ex-
ternal memory.
1.1.3 On-chip Peripherals
Two 16-bit Multifunction Timers, each with an 8 bit
Prescaler and 12 operating modes allow simple
use for complex waveform generation and meas-
urement, PWM functions and many other system
timing functions by the usage of the two associat-
ed DMA channels for each timer.
Two Extended Function Timers provide further
timing and signal generation capabilities.
A Standard Timer can be used to generate a sta-
ble time base independent from the PLL.
An I2C interface (two in the ST92250-Auto device)
provides fast I2C and Access Bus support.
The SPI is a synchronous serial interface for Mas-
ter and Slave device communication. It supports
single master and multimaster systems.
A J1850 Byte Level Protocol Decoder is available
(ST92150JDV1-Auto device only) for communicat-
ing with a J1850 network.
The bxCAN (basic extended) interface (two in the
ST92150JDV1-Auto device) supports 2.0B Active
protocol. It has 3 transmit mailboxes, 2 independ-
ent receive FIFOs and 8 filters.
In addition, there is an 16 channel Analog to Digital
Converter with integral sample and hold, fast con-
version time and 10-bit resolution.
There is one Multiprotocol Serial Communications
Interface with an integral generator, asynchronous
and synchronous capability (fully programmable
format) and associated address/wake-up option,
plus two DMA channels.
On 100-pin devices, there is an additional asyn-
chronous Serial Communications interface with
13-bit LIN Synch Break generation capability.
Finally, a programmable PLL Clock Generator al-
lows the usage of standard 3 to 5 MHz crystals to
obtain a large range of internal frequencies up to
24 MHz. Low power Run (SLOW), Wait For Inter-
rupt, low power Wait For Interrupt, STOP and
HALT modes are also available.