Length (9
This value specifies the link length that is supported by the SFP transceiver while operating in
compliance with the applicable standards using single mode fiber. The value is in units of 100 meters.
A value of 255 means that the transceiver supports a link length greater than 25.4 km. A value of zero
means that the SFP transceiver does not support single mode fiber or that the length information must
be determined from the transceiver technology.
Length (50
This value specifies the link length that is supported by the SFP transceiver while operating in
compliance with the applicable standards using 50 micron multi-mode fiber. The value is in units of 10
meters. A value of 255 means that the SFP transceiver supports a link length greater than 2.54 km. A
value of zero means that the transceiver does not support 50 micron multi-mode fiber or that the
length information must be determined from the transceiver technology.
Length (62.5
This value specifies the link length that is supported by the SFP transceiver while operating in
compliance with the applicable standards using 62.5 micron multi-mode fiber. The value is in units of
10 meters. A value of 255 means that the SFP transceiver supports a link length greater than 2.54 km.
A value of zero means that the SFP transceiver does not 62.5 micron multi-mode fiber or that the
length information must determined from the transceiver technology. It is common for the SFP
transceiver to support both 50 micron and 62.5 micron fiber.
Length (Copper)
This value specifies the minimum link length that is supported by the SFP transceiver while operating
in compliance with the applicable standards using copper cable. The value is in units of 1 meter. A
value of 255 means that the SFP transceiver supports a link length greater than 254 meters. A value
of zero means that the SFP transceiver does not support copper cables or that the length information
must be determined from the transceiver technology. Further information about the cable design,
equalization, and connectors is usually required to guarantee meeting a particular length requirement.
Vendor name
The vendor name is a 16 character field that contains ASCII characters, left-aligned and padded on
the right with ASCII spaces (20h). The vendor name shall be the full name of the corporation, a
commonly accepted abbreviation of the name of the corporation, the SCSI company code for the
corporation, or the stock exchange code for the corporation. At least one of the vendor name or the
vendor OUI fields shall contain valid serial data.
Vendor OUI
The vendor organizationally unique identifier field (vendor OUI) is a 3-byte field that contains the IEEE