SFP transceiver power on initialization procedure, TX_DISABLE asserted.
For SFP transceiver power on initialization with TX_DISABLE asserted, the state of TX_FAULT is not
defined while TX_DISABLE is asserted. After TX_DISABLE is negated, TX_FAULT may be asserted
while safety circuit initialization is performed. TX_FAULT shall be negated when the transmitter safety
circuitry has detected that the transmitter is operating in its normal state. If a transmitter fault has not
occurred, TX_FAULT shall be negated within a period t_init from the time that TX_DISABLE is negated.
If TX_FAULT remains asserted beyond the period t_init, the host may assume that a transmission fault
has been detected by the transceiver. The power on initialization timing for a SFP transceiver with
TX_DISABLE asserted is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Power on initialization of SFP, Tx Diable asserted
Initialization during hot plugging of SFP Transceiver.
When a transceiver is not installed, TX_FAULT is held to the asserted state by the pull up circuits on
the host. As the SFP transceiver is installed, contact is made with the ground, voltage, and signal
contacts in the specified order. After the SFP has determined that VCCT has reached the specified
value, the power on initialization takes place as described in the above sections. An example of
initialization during hot plugging is provided in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Example of initialization during hot plugging, Tx Disable negated
SFP transmitter management
The timing requirements for the management of optical outputs from the SFP transceiver using the
TX_DISABLE signal are shown in Figure 6. Note that the t_on time refers to the maximum delay until
the modulated optical signal reaches 90% of the final value, not just the average optical power.