RabbitCore RCM3200
3.2 Sample Programs
Of the many sample programs included with Dynamic C, several are specific to the
RCM3200. Sample programs illustrating the general operation of the RCM3200, and
serial communication are provided in the SAMPLES\RCM3200 folder. Each sample pro-
gram has comments that describe the purpose and function of the program. Follow the
instructions at the beginning of the sample program.
—uses the STDIO window to demonstrate digital outputs by toggling
LEDs DS1 and DS2 on the Prototyping Board on and off.
Parallel Port G bit 6 = LED DS1
Parallel Port G bit 7 = LED DS2
Once you have compiled and run this program, you will be prompted via the Dynamic
C STDIO window to select LED DS1 or DS2. Use your PC keyboard to make your
Once you have selected the LED, you will be prompted to select to turn the LED either
ON or OFF. A logic low will light up the LED you selected.
—demonstrates the use of costatements to flash LEDs DS1 and DS2 on
the Prototyping Board at different rates. Once you have compiled and run this program,
LEDs DS1 and DS2 will flash on/off at different rates.
—demonstrates the use of cofunctions and costatements to flash LEDs
DS1 and DS2 on the Prototyping Board at different rates. Once you have compiled and
run this program, LEDs DS1 and DS2 will flash on/off at different rates.
—demonstrates the use of costatements to detect switches using the
press-and-release method of debouncing. LEDs DS1 and DS2 on the Prototyping
Board are turned on and off when you press switches S2 and S3.
—Demonstrates sending Modbus ASCII packets between two Prototyping
Board assemblies via the IrDA transceivers with the IrDA transceivers facing each other.
Note that this sample program will only work with the RCM30/31/32XX Prototyping
First, compile and run this program on one Prototyping Board assembly, then remove
the programming cable and press the RESET button on the Prototyping Board so that
the first RabbitCore module is operating in the Run mode. Then connect the program-
ming cable to the second Prototyping Board assembly with the RCM3200 and compile
and run the same sample program. With the programming cable still connected to the
second Prototyping Board assembly, press switch S2 on the second Prototyping Board
to transmit a packet. Once the first Prototyping Board assembly receives a test packet, it
will send back a response packet that will be displayed in the Dynamic C STDIO win-
dow. The test packets and response packets have different codes.
Once you have loaded and executed these five programs and have an understanding of
how Dynamic C and the RCM3200 modules interact, you can move on and try the other
sample programs, or begin building your own.