Coyote (BL2500)
5.2.4 Running More Demo Programs With a Direct Connection
The sample programs discussed in this section use the Demonstration Board from the
ote and the Demonstration Board used to run these sample programs.
The program SMPTP.C (SAMPLES\BL2500\TCPIP\) uses the SMTP library to send an
e-mail when a switch on the Demonstration Board is pressed.
The program BROWSELED.C (SAMPLES\BL2500\TCPIP\) demonstrates a basic con-
troller running a Web page. Two “LEDs” are created on the Web page, and two buttons on
the Demonstration Board then toggle them. Users can change the status of the lights from
the Web browser. The LEDs on the Demonstration Board match the ones on the Web page.
As long as you have not modified the TCPCONFIG 1 macro in the sample program, enter
the following server address in your Web browser to bring up the Web page served by the
sample program.
Otherwise use the TCP/IP settings you entered in the TCP_CONFIG.LIB library.
The program PINGLED.C (SAMPLES\BL2500\TCPIP\) demonstrates ICMP by ping-
ing a remote host. It will flash LEDs DS1 and DS2 on the Demonstration Board when a
ping is sent and received.
5.3 Where Do I Go From Here?
NOTE: If you purchased your Coyote through a distributor or Rabbit partner, contact the
distributor or partner first for technical support.
If there are any problems at this point:
Use the Dynamic C Help menu to get further assistance with Dynamic C.
If the sample programs ran fine, you are now ready to go on.
Additional sample programs are described in the Dynamic C TCP/IP User’s Manual.
Refer to the Dynamic C TCP/IP User’s Manual to develop your own applications. An
Introduction to TCP/IP provides background information on TCP/IP, and is available on