2650 South Croddy Way
P.O. Box 25063
Santa Ana, California
PHONE 714.556.3100
SALES FAX 714.241.9061
One Inch Multi-Deck Enclosed Rotary Switches
A special feature of rotary switches is available known as “isolated position”. This feature allows switch shaft rotation
that requires the user to either pull or push the shaft before it will respond to rotational torque. The user identies the
position or positions affected by the isolation mechanism.
Incorporation of the isolated position feature in COLE’S SERIES 3600 switches will add 0.315 inches to the length.
In multipole switches, the initial position that is isolated determines the pattern for the additional poles.
The Cole System for identifying isolation positions lets you perform the selection by inserting isolation posts next to
the positions to be isolated. An 3600 series switch with 36° indexing and continuous rotation is shown below with no
isolation position identied in the spaces between the terminals.
If you isolate positions 1, 2 and 3, the isolation post insertion points are identied by the letters PL (for actuation by
pulling the shaft out), or PS ( for actuation by pushing the shaft in) as shown below:
10PL1PL2PL3PL4 5 6 7 8 9 10
This indicates that you can only get to positions 1, 2 and 3 by pulling on the shaft while all other positions can be
achieved with normal rotational torque on the shaft.
if positions 1 and 2 are isolated from all other position but nor from each other:
10PS12PS3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
In this case you need to push on the shaft to get to position 1 from position 10 as well as position 2 from position 3.
However, to get from position 1 to position 2 merely requires rotational torque on the shaft.
As a special feature, certain positions on the switch can be isolated in unidirectional mode. That means that the
positions can be achieved with normal rotational torque on the shaft, but requires a push or pull action to get to
the next position (Ramp-In). Conversely, reaching the isolated position with a push or pull action on the shaft but
requiring normal rotational torque (Ramp-out) for the next position, is also available. Please consult the factory for
special features.
Stops must be incorporated when a switch has multiple poles or species less than the numbers of positions
available. If a switch with 36° indexing is specied as an 8 position switch with position 1 isolated with push actuation
required, the designation would be:
STOP1PS2 3 4 5 6 7 8STOP
Since the stop mechanism is inserted between positions 10 and 1, the isolation post is only required between
positions 1 and 2. The stop mechanism inserted between terminals 8 and 9 serves to limit the switch to 8 positions.
When stop and isolation mechanism are used in multipole switches, all poles are slaved to the rst pole in the case of
a 2 pole, 10 position switch with 36° indexing, isolating position 1 will automatically isolate position 6.
(Refer to the standard switch schematics for 36° indexing switches, page No. 3
3600 Series/Page 6