Catalog 1307819
Dimensions are in inches and
Dimensions are shown for
USA: 1-800-522-6752
South America: 55-11-2103-6000
Revised 8-08
millimeters unless otherwise
reference purposes only.
Canada: 1-905-470-4425
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specified. Values in brackets
Specifications subject
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Japan: 81-44-844-8013
are metric equivalents.
to change.
C. America: 52-55-1106-0803
UK: 44-8706-080-208
AMPMODU .025 [0.64] Square Interconnection System
AMPMODU Interconnection System
The AMPMODU intercon-
nection system provides
interconnections with a
unique modular concept,
utilizing precision formed
receptacle contacts and
mating posts.
Mating of the post and
receptacle contacts of
this system is very tolerant.
This is made possible by
a post with a burr-free
lead-in and a receptacle
contact featuring double
cantilever beams and anti-
overstress stops.
AMPMODU receptacle
contacts and posts categori-
cally fall into three general
classifications of products,
which include: board
mounted posts and recepta-
cle assemblies, post headers
and wire-applied contact
housings for crimp snap-in
pin and receptacle contacts.
Board mounted receptacle
assemblies are available in
various geometries, offering
packaging interconnections
that include perpendicular,
parallel and stacking
Crimp snap-in pins for
26-22 AWG [0.12-0.4 mm2]
wire and crimp snap-in
receptacles for 32-20 AWG
[0.03-0.6 mm2] wire provide
excellent discrete wire
terminations. Housings for
these contacts provide ease
of handling terminations in
high density applications.
Machine applied termina-
tions, through matched
application equipment, are
geared for virtually any pro-
duction volume requirement,
for the lowest possible
applied cost.
AMPMODU mating posts
are supplied typically as
headers. They are available
in various populations to
meet the interconnection
and packaging require-
ments of most systems.
However, in instances where
packaging configurations
do not lend themselves to
the economies of headers,
Tyco Electronics can pro-
vide application equipment
for the discrete location of
individual posts.
Looking at the electronic
industry's standard “l(fā)evels of
packaging,” the AMPMODU
.025 [0.64] square intercon-
nection system is primarily
used in levels three and four.
In level three it is used as
a connection between two
or more printed circuits.
A mother/daughter board
connection is typical. In
level four it is used as a
connection between two
subassemblies, such as a
power supply and an asso-
ciated subassembly.
It is also important to note
this product can serve as an
interconnection in more than
one level, depending on the
The .025 [0.64] square
interconnection system
offers the most complete
line of post/receptacle pack-
aging products available
today. This system, rated at
3 amperes per contact, has
been used by almost every
industry and marketplace
over the last decade and is
one of the oldest, most ver-
satile and reliable intercon-
nection systems employing
.025 [0.64] square packag-
ing technology.
Offers standard, intermediate and
high pressure contact forces
contact body
Wire entry for post to
receptacle misalignment
cantilever spring
contact design
and built-in
The AMPMODU receptacle
cross-section is primarily
rectangular, with rounded
corners. Two integral canti-
lever beams contact the
mating square or round
male posts. Deflection of
these spring members is
limited by anti-overstress
stops, and excessive per-
manent deformation is pre-
vented. This feature allows
a wide range for
tolerance of misalignment
of mating contacts.
The configuration of the
receptacle completely
encloses the spring members
preventing damage during
handling and assembly and
makes the system compati-
ble with automatic applica-
tion techniques.
Note: Application of a contact lubricant is part
of the manufacturing process of all AMPMODU
tin-plated crimp products. However, it is not
part of the manufacturing process of products
that customers will solder, then clean. For
these products, Tyco Electronics recommends
that customers use contact lubricant. See the
Tyco Electronics web page for further
Receptacle Contacts
Entry Housing Design
The closed entry housing
style better eliminates the
chance of a mating post
stubbing on the edges of
the receptacle contact.
Closed Entry
Contact edges
enclosed in
Access Way
Contact edges
enclosed in
post stop
Terms Explained