Catalog 1307819
Dimensions are in inches and
Dimensions are shown for
USA: 1-800-522-6752
South America: 55-11-2103-6000
Revised 8-08
millimeters unless otherwise
reference purposes only.
Canada: 1-905-470-4425
Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628
specified. Values in brackets
Specifications subject
Mexico: 01-800-733-8926
Japan: 81-44-844-8013
are metric equivalents.
to change.
C. America: 52-55-1106-0803
UK: 44-8706-080-208
Application Tooling for Post Insertion
AMPMODU Interconnection System
Note: All part numbers are RoHS compliant.
Modular Insertion System Bench
Machine No. 217600-1
This machine uses Tyco Electronics insertion heads to
install a variety of printed circuit board products at rates of
2,000 per hour. The printed circuit board is placed in a
Board Holding Fixture which is attached to a two-hand con-
trolled mechanism. The operator moves the board over the
machine anvil; a switch in the anvil actuates the machine
when the printed circuit board is placed on the anvil.
A spotlight illuminates the insertion area.
Consult Tyco Electronics for further information on this
machine and the insertion heads.
P300 and P350 Automatic Insertion Machines
The P300 and P350 are automatic insertion machines
for the application of reeled compliant pin and thru-hole
products. Systems are available as stand alone or fully
inline with SMEMA compatible conveyor system. Up to
3 different insertion heads can be mounted on a system
allowing one machine to apply up to 3 different products.
Insertion rates of up to 3 insertions per second on the P300
and up to 5 insertions per second on a P350 are possible
(application dependent). PCBs up to 15.5" x 23.5"
[400x600mm] on the P300 and up to 17.5" x 17.5"
[450x450mm] on the P350 can be processed by high
speed XY positioning tables. A wide range of options,
including force monitoring, PCB vision correct, and
PCB thickness measurement are available to meet your
performance and production flexibility requirements.
Tyco Electronics offers a
wide range of application
tooling solutions ranging
from stand alone manual
insertion systems through
fully automatic inline
systems. Please contact
your local Tyco Electronics
representative or the
Tyco Electronics Tooling
Assistance Center at
1-800-722-1111 for help in
finding the right solution to
meet your particular